Does MMR affect placements?

So I have a new account. My main is around 3300-3400. My MMR for this new account is around 3700. Is it likely that I will get placed around 3450 during my placements since my MMR is a Masters MMR?

Quick play MMR does not affect competitive MMR. All accounts start around 2350. However, new accounts move quickly, so it is possible (though it requires a lot of skill and/or luck) to get to low Masters in 10 games. See Initial Competitive Skill Rating, Decrypted for details.

so that was a lot of reading. but last account I won 8 games placed 3300 and most my friends place around 3490 We are all high diamond or higher players. So how do I ensure I get the highest placement possible? it really is just win every game?

Yes. Also don’t hold back. Have your stats be as dominating as possible (when you are below diamond).

But I’m a tank main. usually I dont get a lot of dominating stats.

And I’m bad at the game, so I’ll probably never get to masters. Just do the best you can. Your alt will catch up to your main. It’s only a question of how many games it will take.

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