Does losing multiple times team you with other losers?

Alrighty, in the past 3-4 days i’ve lost about 20+ games and won only like 4 or 5.(2318 SR - 1946 SR)

Every game i’ve constantly performed my role correctly, I even tried to record and review a few of my losses(and made VERY few mistakes in my role in most games) yet still i seem to be losing 90% of my games, but before this massive losing streak, I was on a large win streak when I went from 2007 SR - 2318 SR.

Does overwatch put you with bad team mates if you are losing a lot? Almost all of these losses i’ve been put with healers who just try dps rather than heal, or dps who have the aim of a 5 year old, or a rein who charges in on his own without notice and gets massacred in seconds then gets salty and leaves. Am I cursed?
What am I actually supposed to do here, i’m not interested in duo queuing at the moment so what can i do to get to plat by myself.

PS. Don’t respond if you havent played in plat or lower recently as you’ll just be ignorant. Thank you <3


Not even a GM would look at a recording of their game play and say that they did everything correctly: That’s your first problem.

I’ve climbed from 1200 to 1784 in just the past few hours playing Ana and I was able to compensate for our charge happy Reinhardt in both of my last games by topping him off before he’d charge in.

If I had to go a tank and my healers were DPS happy, I’d generally go or Roadhog. allowed me to basically have a second life (I played passively/defensively as baby And Roadhog had a massive self heal so that I didn’t have to rely on my healers as much while still making room for my DPS.


I said very few not all. And well I understand that but I don’t trust people in my rank when i go healer, very much, people will just push in front of enemy shields and expect heals when that’s obviously dumb move then scream for heals while dying. Plus the fact that you got from bronze to silver as ana tells me a lot of luck was involved, not saying you didn’t perform because you probably did ana’s a great healer but there would have to have been a lot of luck to get non retarded team mates that understand the game.

Thanks for the advice on the tank situation, but i’m a bad DVA and road hog just doesn’t seem that effective in the current meta in gold, so I avoid playing him, I more play orisa/rein when I play tank, sometimes winston. Thanks for response :slight_smile:

Up to 1809 now. Some of it is luck, but a lot of it is also knowing who to Nano and when. I don’t wait for combos. If it happens that way, great: But sometimes I’ll Nano the Zarya so she can finish getting her Grav which is huge: Using one ult to charge another ult while doing tons of damage/getting picks rather than blowing two ults at once just to get picks.

I’ve learned how to anti-grenade the other team more often than I use the grenade on my own team, just focusing them with my normal rifle shots to keep them up: Which lets them get picks easier.

What I REALLY did? I watched a lot of Ana videos today and I humbled myself: I was NOT playing Ana as well as I could have been. My positioning sucked!!! I watched positioning videos and I took it to heart and started to utilize that positioning in my games. Lo and behold, I’m getting at least 8 kills to one death now. It was about 3/4 before I started to really implement what I was learning.

The only other advice I can give, is gently remind your team: “We should utilize Rein’s shield a bit more so I can heal us.” - “Genji! Peek so I can heal you. Thanks!” Rather than calling out one person, just make it a blanket statement: “Okay let’s play defensive and not over extend.” Blanket statements seem to trigger easily offended players less.

But now that I’m playing with basically all golds: I see the problems you’re describing way more in Bronze/Silver than I am with gold players. (Not saying it doesn’t happen. Trust me, been there done that.) Just do everything you can to guide your team into making good plays and better positioning.


I’ve trieed being positive and ive tried being nice and using coms, but no one is using their mics atm. So i’ve decided im gonna play brig for the next few games and see how much that helps. XD

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Let us know how it goes! I’d be interested to know after struggling myself for weeks.

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Won one, lost one so far but both times had gold heals and highest assists. But now im back in silver so idc may stop playing.

I find calling shots as zen is the most consistent way to solo out of gold.


Ill give it a try thanks.

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Zen and Ana are my go to picks now. I feel like the shield bash nerf on Brig almost ruined her.

If anything I think her shield bash going through shields should have stayed and her overall damage nerfed while increasing her healing. I just don’t feel the value out of Brig that I feel with Ana and Zen.

No, but I did notice that the game is either tolling or it takes a while to take into account your wins and losses into match making.

I know that there have been many times where I would be winning a few games pretty hard (full on stomps) in order to get matched with the players I just beat right after.

No, but tilt is a thing. And a lack of humility to notice one’s own mistakes. Your opponents are equally unskilled js.

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No, the matchmaker does not look at win/loss histories of players. This has been stated in a developer post on the old foums.

From a post by Jeff Kaplan:

At no point in MMR calculations do we look at your win/loss ratio and win/loss ratio is never used to determine who to match you with or against. We are not trying to drive your win/loss percentage toward a certain number (although the fact that so many people are at 50% win rates makes us extremely happy). All the system does when it comes to matching on skill is attempt to match you with people of a similar number.

Link to whole post:

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After playing another rougly 8 games. i’ve come to the conclusion its just my region.
It seems that players in the Oceanic region are incompetent in general because even when I was at peak(2318), about a week ago the players were just as incompetent and I believe i was just lucky enough to get the better players. It really does seem 100% luck whether I win or lose at this point. Not much more i can do as my role while others do not correctly play theirs. Thanks for all the feedback everyone! <3

Post a vid of your game and let us be the judge of you play near perfection or not.


Can you post the videos you’ve recorded? An outside eye often helps c:

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You should probably let someone else review your gameplay. At 2318 SR - 1946 SR or so and claiming to do only a few mistakes sounds very fishy to me.

Been in lobbies at 2300-2499 SR a few times and I can tell everyone made tons of mistakes (yes me too).


What you are talking about here is what people have described for months on end and is one of the reasons why people are so frustrated at the matchmaker.

Here’s one possibility: You played a series of matches where you were under-performing so the matchmaker underestimated your ability and placed you with people who were really good in order to make the teams fair. Because the matchmaker underestimated your ability you went on a win streak.

During the winstreak the matches were so easy that you performed really really well and the matchmaker then began to overestimate your ability and placed you with crap teammates to make the teams fair leading to a loss streak.

It could also be other reasons, the matchmaker has so many things wrong with it it’s difficult to explain it all in one post. But yes, you are not imagining things, there is a huge disparity between the skill level of yourself and your teammates.

Having said all that, there are definitely ways that you can get better and it will help you rank up, but the matchmaker will definitely make it far more difficult than it ever should be.


Thanks for extra feedback everyone!!

I’ve just climbed almost 250 SR just today. Played the exact same as when i lost 400. Again I believe its just luck depending on what team mates you get.

Ill consider recording one of my games and sending a link to you two who asked. I’m pretty sure its just gold is a horrible rank to solo queue on because on the games i lose my entire team gets salty very quickly its just the mentality of the people at my rank. Gold is more like psychological warfare more than actual skill it seems, as the games I win the enemy team always talks trash while my team seems to be all happy and playing well.

Thanks all. Toobius

I suggest you Record your matches and upload them to YouTube and make someone else review them for you. I can do it if you want. My Discord is: Gwynbleidd#1950

Also, here is what I do when I’m having some bad games:
If I loose my first game or two in a day, I don’t stop there. Instead, I avoid the people who I think were causing me to lose, or were underperforming or not doing their job properly then I queue right away. If I’m lucky enough they end up on the enemy team and thus I have anoher shot with my new team to win. If my new team is bad, I try again. I try to either gain SR or stay where I previously was in a day. If I loose 20 SR after a loss, or loose 100 SR after a loosing streak, I try to get at least some of that SR back the same day so I can first get back to where I was before climbing and playing in Duo or Trio with people who play other roles than me makes me have a fuller team comp making games easier.

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