Does league of legends ranked have anything you'd like to see in overwatch?

Ok, then in short why this doesn’t matter and why nothing is comparable in a helpful way to overwatch:
Overwatch has 3 distinct roles that are crucial for the team play, tank, dps and healer.
And the skills and roles are defined by the hero pick and not available to others by i.e. buying items.

If you look at apex, it has heroes with specific abilities but the heroes are still all played (in comparision to ow) the same, as they have the same weapons, items etc. available. The different skills are few and have not that of an impact than the different heroes and roles in ow.

Same is true for LOL. All this games are easy to balance, compared to OW. And all that games do not fall into the pit in regards that over 70% of players wanna play dps.

I feel like a hero ban system should be implemented. It adds a fresh new element to the game and can help with the balance issues the game has. This hero broken? Rather than wait weeks for a patch where the hero gets fixed just block themnout of the game for a match. It also helps with competitive play, if you have a stack and know you are weak against a certain hero this helps your team tremendously.

Down side to this is banning hard counters like a sombra for a doom fist or stuff like that (but maybe if they balanced the damn game that wouldnt matter)

I would also like to see more playable characters maybe not as many as league but a decent bit so you arent seeing the same cut and paste lobby every game. I cant tell you how many times i see a in my matches or a hanzo, or a widow

Finally tournaments this is a fun event that league has that overwatch a competitive focused game doesnt. Which only makes sense when you think about why league a 9 year old game is still popular and overwatch feels like its dying

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Not really.
The first ban you for 1-2 mins.
The second ban you for 5 mins
The third ban you for 10 min.
The fourth ban you for an hour.
The fifth ban you for 7 hours.
(I had issues with my computer at ont point and that’s how i remember it goes)

So like that’s not that punishing to leave a game, people wouldn’t do it if punishment were harder.
A tank leaving a game will be in the next game before everyone else in the team. That’s pretty crazy.

Rainbow 6 did this recently.
I hear its slow but it is improving

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it’s 10 minutes, at least, it was never anything less.

Oh and after a few leaves in qp you also get penalized by -75% exp

Hero bans is about providing meta variety. Almost every competitve moba game has hero bans. It is a 200IQ suggestion and should be implemented. The pros would love it too, makes games have so much more nuance and strategy. Literally dumb-founded why overwatch has not committed to this yet. Probably because the audience and players are so casual… like tiny IQ, CoD player on console casuals…

For me it’s more about the absolute lack of variety.

League has over 100 more champs than we do, and they only ban 10 a game.

Meanwhile people in Overwatch are asking to ban 12 out of the 31 heroes every match. We just don’t have the roster to make a hero ban system viable yet.

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You only need like 2 bans between both teams, hero banning is still very viable if only 2 out of the 31 arent being played. This sounds more of like an excuse rather than an obvious reason why its not being added. They can use The way league does charscter selection on modes like one-for-all. majority rules win, if people dont all agree on one hero each person gets a percentage chance of being picked. For example 1/6 chance of being picked, or 2/6 chance if more than one person picks them. Literally zero reason why its not added tbh.

Isn’t that part of the problem, that people feel they deserve to progress simply by playing?

Why should everyone progress? At least half of all players in any match can’t win.

You’re playing against real people, not bots, so even if we pander to the desire for unearned progression, it’s impossible.

I guess they tried to add some elements to make it feel like the player is progressing, regardless of any actual improvement. You get increasingly lavish portraits, you get more and more cosmetic items through the XP/lootbox system. That’s kind of all you can do though - give cosmetics - because when playing PvP it’s pretty obvious that not everyone can be in the top 1%…only 1% of players can be.

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there is a way to show actual progression though: Have a leader board from 1st to last place. And you can see how high you can get on the ladder.

The current SR system does this, but not as well as a region wide leader board,

There are millions of players per region. It wouldn’t be meaningful. The T500 leader board makes sense because it’s only 500 players (well, accounts) and the difference in skill between 1 and 500 is meaningful. In a population of 5 million the difference between 2,578,120 and 2, 578,620 is not, even though it’s still 500 players apart.

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yes it is, it’s meaningful to the people who are that rank

They moved up 0.01%. Sooooooo meaningful. I’m still not sure if you’re a massive troll or just have massively low intelligence.


I’ve offered set rating per win or loss, but it’s shot down.

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going for you highest rank is more meaningful than going for your highest SR.

not by much, but the former is more substantial

Only if you don’t understand noise.

they may be the same, but rank is more important than SR

Yes, that is the problem.

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My friend, this already working and being done with SMS in top 500. It is not fool proof but it is great preventative for multiple account. You and your brother and entire family can play on one computer. This method is even being used in other games already with success, Blizz does not want to do this because multiple account bring in more money. They want you purchase more accounts. It is a disgrace and we are feeding it like a rabid dog.

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You see what ever you want to see bud.