Does hanzo really need lunge?

No, that’s lungs. OP said Lunge which is “a public room in a hotel, theatre, or club in which to sit and relax.”

That must explain Winston having his worst win rate in recent history and being practically unplayable on ladder right now … do you even tank brah?

Winston’s winrate is reflective of the meta, not hanzo’s ability or lack thereof to consistently beat winston.

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Yes and no, Winston has been in the gutter since the Hanzo rework and McCree buff, diveable DPS just don’t exist for him anymore and if you take any engagement without a bubble off cooldown, a pocket Mercy and Zenyata Orbs you are done for. As a tank Winston just did not survive the damage scaling from the GOATS meta on ladder, that’s just how it is.

Dps can most definitely still be dove upon. You should never be going in without your bubble or your team regardless, unless you have your ult.

I can see why you think hanzo counters winston, you’re playing him wrong.

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Yeah, 1000 hours of tanking says otherwise to your hypothetical best case scenarios, anyone can theory craft how an engagement at the start of a team fight works but it’s in the midfight where things actually matter. Feel free to put in the time for yourself and see what it’s like for Winston vs DPS power creep with sub-optimal team co-ordination on ladder, every body just plays Hammond now for a reason.

Over 1k hours on hanzo with maybe a grand total of 2 relevant tank deletions since the implementation of storm says otherwise.

An I’ve already put in plenty of time to playing tanks - winston is one of my favorite to play currently until rein can’t be relentlessly cc’d. He counters hanzo. L2p my dude

Why is he a sniper then? Snipers aren’t supposed to be up close flankers who brawl. Y’know what people called that before? Quick scoping. It’s a terrible thing.


People think “countering” means diving in and feeding on Hanzo. Winston bullies Hanzo around by denying him space, that is how he counters him, not by assassinating him. If you want to assassinate go play Genji.

Wow, I can’t stop laughing at that I’m sorry.

True lul. I used to think the same until I started watching tank players, namely xqc. Widow was called out and xqc jumped her, forced her off without killing and his job was done. Obviously if you can kill go for it, but that won’t happen unless he’s reasonably isolated

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Laugh on man. I’ll be laughing too

The lunge is fine, just revert his projectile speed, and he’s fine. Make Hanzo’s have to think about the arc when shooting at long distances, make his bow feel like a bow instead of a sniper rifle.

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The whole point of his rework was to make him more consistent. The forums constantly complain about hanzo hitting shots he didn’t intend. Slowing projectile speed back down makes nobody happy

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Oh yes we can do this when they add movement acceleration the same patch.

You want Hanzo players to actually have to “think when shooting” yet people move unnaturally in this game.

IMO the lunge was fine to add. Personally I found Storm Arrow more of an issue, and the devs have recently addressed this. Personally, I think he’s fine now.

Cue mercy superjumping*

You’re a rarity, and I love you for it

You beat me to the Jojoke