Does enemy doomfist shot sounds weird now or is it just me

It sounds different after the crossplay patch went live , i think they are testing some OW2 sounds NOW ?? , dunno but what do you guys think.


Different how?

go play the game , and hear enemy doomfist primary fire shot sound

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Yeah, I wondered what that was.

Is it only enemy doom or can I play doom?

The enemy doom.

dunno didnt try.

I don’t know why. It sounds a bit like a gun from Star Wars.

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I noticed it too. No sound difference if you’re playing him though

Leaked OW2 Doomfist sound effects :o (surprised Pikachu face)

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Definitely. It sounds kinda “pew pew” like Tracer’s gun, but muffled.

Yes , the sound seems a bit different .

Definitely sounds weird now. Thought it might have been some specific skin.

Yes, I rewatched the OW2 livestream and I can confirm it is the sound from OW2.


Yep. It was changed to be the OW2 one


Might be a sound effect from OW2 that they wanted to put in early for some reason

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It also only seems to be distorted sometimes

I went through every Heroes Primary Fire and Secondary Fire in the Practice Range.
This is all I found.

Baptiste’s biotic launcher doesn’t make any sound when fired off by a hostile baptiste.
The healing nades don’t make an impact sound either.

And maybe Roadhog’s Primary has more of a base sound behind it, might also just be that the Audio is slightly shorter than when you’re firing.

So looks like the devs screwed up the audio even more than it already is.

But DF is the only one with an entirely new sound.

I’d wager they’re trying to do things that cut down on visual and audio clutter, there has finally been some talk about how overwhelming and busy the game is in general gaming news and they may be trying to find ways to remove additional, ‘unecessary’ sounds. So, it may not be a glitch but an active choice; they may think there’s no real reason you’d need to hear an enemy bap’s sounds. Either that or it’s just a mistake, I remember the month where Roadhog was a ninja and I never heard his jingle jangles or steps, but Widowmaker even on my team sounded like an enemy Widow every time.

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When really close to him you can actually hear his reload in between shots still…
so I’d say it’s a bug as Moira still has the sound of her Spray.

And if that’s intentional, I’d say it’s not a very good decision as this would imply the Bap is doing nothing when he actually might be healing and you were able to strike him while he has his attention on something else.