Does blizzard just really not care about comp at all?

Amount I run into alts that seem horribly under skilled or just out right cheating is horrible. whats sad is when my team just dominates and you feel like something is off or maybe the dps was throwing because they seemed like a silver in diamond, suddenly halfway through the match they look like they are using a screen capture aimbot and never missing, report them and nothing happens. Run into blatant aimbotter who must have had the settings turned all the way up and it still took days to get the TY with every single person in the lobby reporting them. Then you get these kids with memory hacks every once in awhile who just blatantly wallhack with it and have it to slightly help their aim, report them and nothing happens, they literally just focus someone to explicitly ruin the game for them to be a holes and blizzard allows it because again they dont seem to get banned and if they do from what ive read they dont even need to change IPs or do anything other then sign into another account and they can be right back at it. Even if the frustration of playing some of these people is just so bad that a good prediction or several can make me just think wow another blizzard approved bot because its possible the fact there aim is so shady and out of place looking and not like pro or top500 but just shady AF but could still compete with a GM low top500 match means this person is smurfing on their lvl100 account and its literally aids to play with even on their team just sabotages the game and yet its not bannable if they purposely throw to stay low rank and its not bannable that they purposely ruin the game for lower ranks…like this crap is unreal and makes me think that I could blatantly aimbot as much as i wanted as long as I had multiple accounts. its like blizzard just lets people do w/e as long as they are making money off them.

this comes after several matches where both teams had a low lvl where people said they could be aimbotting or smurfing and both teams were pretty miserable with it, were not good matches or fun just let this be over idc if we even win at this point I hate playing with these kids(won 1 lost other) but its just like these kids can get into these games and if they weren’t cheating they still purposely troll and grief by just playing like they were using an aimbot and then when the game gets closer to ending they suddenly stop perfectly knowing where people are(ESP) start missing shots and suddenly the top tier lvl skill they were showing off to oppress the enemy team turns into someone who looks like they are purposely not trying and would probably lose a bronze game, and even after reporting them its unlikely they will get banned because smurfing isnt bannable and unless blizzard watches them play they wont do anything. At this point im pretty sure blizzard knows about bots(if they dont make them for extra money) and they only ban people when they think they will buy more accounts and they want an income spike. Who cares if this kids are ruining the game just give us money. also i probably wont even be back to check this and would rather not deal with more white knights, Its like im the rank blizzard put me at so when i go up against some new account who looks like they are botting and I cant get better playing them (because they usually have their reticle perfectly on my neck for 10ft before I even near corner and even look at me like they see me and wanna wave if im sombra), I can’t rank up because of them and its not fun or enjoyable to play them and im just not supposed to get frustrated and be ok with it is BS, and then after playing them I almost wish I could drop a rank or 2 so I could get enjoyable games and I wanna just not try anymore but this is all OK for them to do to blizzard but if i spend 10sec while waiting to respawn to say this kid is either aimbotting or smurfing please report them I can get flooded with inactivity reports and get a warning.


Blizz is sticking to this dream that 6 random people will come together and play as a team… and that they deserve team SR for it.

Horrible, frustrating idea that doesn’t work at all.

The game needs personal SR.

Because, no one cares any more. When you can play your butt off, and some random idiot is falling off the map… YOU lose SR.

Team game. Too bad. Right?


Millions of players log in, play ranked, and hope to climb. They want to see THEIR RATING. Not the rating that some random fools stuck them with.

You don’t let random idiots ruin someone’s rank. You don’t say “screw you” when someone leaves the match. No. You let people get the rank THEY deserve.

How? More, or almost all, PBSR.

Well, people say that would ruin the game. I think not. I think that would make people care, and make people try. If you can literally play your best and take out of it what YOU deserve… then you will keep trying.

I feel the current SR is built assuming everyone is in a 6 stack. Cool. Teams maybe should get Team SR.


The millions of solo players just trying to see how they stack up? They don’t want to lose SR when some random teammate is falling off the map. They don’t want to lose SR when some random baby starts throwing.

That’s the opposite of fun.

I think OW is about dead. And it won’t change unless they make it fun for solo people, or small stacks again. Letting random idiots ruin decent people’s ranks is NOT fun.


Your statement is by FAR one of the best statements on this game Forum that I have EVER read. It is a shame that someone will come along and downvote it because they are not willing to support community Growth. :frowning:

IMO Blizzard is relying on forcing Alternative account purchases to make proffit. Honestly there are OTHER avenues to explore on making money back.

Map-pack expansions at REASONABLE prices. $1.00 per map. GREAT. Instead they would charge $20.00 per map… lol

League skins should have been $0.25 PER SKIN.

separate SR for each hero, as well as separate SR for each grouping would help a lot
my SR with my best friend that I play well with should be different than my personal SR

It would help a great deal for everyone to rise and fall by their skill level. I can play tank and pull 3 or 4 golds. Get a loss and lose SR. Then get a smurf who dominates and the climb so slowly since the team is not playing as a team.

Best comment about this HUGE issue!!!