What’s up with the Sonic shoes?
I never saw that movie but it looked ok. It’ll be cool if she turned into a giant fox.
Well the leaked cinematic has even more turning red vibes…
Does anyone wish we got the fake fox girl look ?
While I agree Kiriko’s look is kinda random, it’s still better than the false leak… (I prayed hard for that leak to be fake).
I’m not much into Japanese’s entertainment but I get how popular it is nowadays. However, Kiriko’s weeb-level is definitely too much for the boomer I am so yeah, I’m not that interested in the character design and not sure I’ll like her game style either.
I’ve always found characters that can climb on walls in a FPS game too unpredictable when it comes to their movements (sometimes you’re stuck on a wall and get killed and that gets on my nerves).
I get it that some members of the playerbase find her too generic (as they think she looks like a mix between D.va and Tracer) but some of them said the same thing about Baptiste at first. I guess it’ll just take time for some of us to grow to like her (just like anything that’s new at first).
What do you mean? Baptiste is still boring and bland.
What do you think her ult is? A magic fox?
No, she’s just real big into Sonic. Got her own OC and everything.
Oh nooooo… He’s so classy !
I guess to each their own haha ! I love Baptiste even though devs completely butchered his name in English. It’s pronounced “Batiiiiiiiiiiste” not “Babtiste”…
The leak looks like it’s trying too hard to be mystical and heroic. I like the one we got; the occasional hero that looks more grounded in reality (fox spirit magic not withstanding) is greatly appreciated.
I’m on the fence about him. He’s got a good clean look, but it’s not really memorable, if that makes sense? Not sure what I would have wanted them to do with him, but he feels a little more real and a little less archetypal to me.
That should be her base skin imo but I wish the helmet/mask looked more interesting and I wish she looked less like dva
The fake looked too way-off for Overwatch’s style. I’m not feeling Kiriko’s default skin so much right now, but the jacket and tights look is dope and her cyberpunk skin is even more amazing.
People have said Junkrat looks too much like a gotham villain and Hammond like Disney character. Come to think of it. Winston in his safai outfit gives me Tarzan vibes. Either way. I think the style could work for overwatch.
Which is also a good thing. Not all heroes have to be cliché !
No I like the real look. The fake one is pretty cliche anime girl.
It looks like an 8th grader’s naruto OC circa 2007.
Needless to say, no. And I say that already disliking the legitimate one; this is worse.
Nah I though it was overdesigned.
I just hate her ponytail though I think maybe its supposed to look like a dogs tail. Because of the whole Kitsune thing.
Nah, I prefer Kiriko, she fits Overwatch. The leaked one was a bit extra
Its apparently OC actually
As cool as the fake design looked, it definitely doesn’t fit as well into the artsyle as what we’ve got.
No, I prefer the actual fox girl look. Although her dace looks like 70 20 10% Tracer Dva Mei.
However, I did not like her ingame personality, quantity of things she has to say like JQ.