Does anyone miss stronger barriers?

Yes please buff barriers, but I also wish they buffed sustain DPS that are supposed to be good against barriers like Bastion and Sym.

Barriers should be like D.Va’s defense matrix. They are indestructable but are extremely limited in duration. Each tank would still have their niche, but you’d have to choose when to use them (pushing or defending a push basically, far better) rather than just standing around shooting barriers and wasting time imo.

I miss having a barrier on Brig that can withstand more than 2 shots/1 sec of fire from most heroes

(I know you are talking about tanks but she still is in the barrier heroes category technically!)

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I did. It allowed variation in tank comps but admittedly it was abused.

Rather than nerf Barriers, I wish they modified existing abilities to have Anti-Barrier/Anti-Bunker traits like:

  • Symmetra’s old Pierce orb
  • Ashe’s Dynamite have a lingering fire AoE that punishes static/bunker comps
  • Zenyatta’s Discord Orb can effect Barriers increasing the damage they take
  • Junkrat mine being able to be thrown further to disrupt bunkers
  • Winston having a new ability where he can spend an entire Tesla cannon, “Clip” to fire a bolt of lightning that harms all enemies it passes through

Stuff like that.


I don’t but I think there was some favoritism amongst the barrier tanks.

I had no choice but to play Bastion against shield comp.

It was no fun. At all.

It did actually make barrier tanking feel more like a bulldozer than a pillowfight. … to each their own of course but I liked it when I felt like a wall and not a sheet catching maybe 2 bullets before it was whisked away.


I honestly just miss when a viable option was simply more than just the Reinhardt and Zarya duo comp for the tank selection.

I miss season 3-5 somehow.

Nope, as a main tank, I like them to be as a tool not a necessity. I am perfectly fine with how the shields are in ow right now and don’t want to buff any of them

No matter how strong your fortify is, it’s useless when you do not have a barrier that can secure space for your team to move into. Her barrier is so bad, I am not exagerating, I’ve seen it melt in one second.


The only thing I really miss is the playstyle(s) it did away with. Bunker isn’t really a thing anymore and that’s a bit sad to me.

But I have had fun having to play Orisa more actively and mobile. Kinda sucks that she needs her long butt glued to cover now though. And I still think she needs a small buff to be more in line with Rein, even with his Steadfast back at 30%.