Does anyone miss shield gen?

Since health increasing allies is my favorite mechanic yes. Rip Sym, Torb, and Buffed Mercy surviving a Rein charge.

I do not miss Shield Generator at all, it wasn´t OP or anything but

“The enemy team has a shield generator”, "I think enemy has the shield generator…

yeah, thanks for repeating that like every 30 seconds

Her new Ult is at least better for saving the team vs predictable Ults. Shield Gen is pretty useless vs a team that’s even semi-organized.

Although it’s pretty crappy being a DPS character with a Support based Ult.

Shield gen was okay. The enemy team was either incapable of diving and we all got +75 shields, or it died two seconds after you put it down.

Still, it was a good move to upgrade to giving Symm 2.0 a choice of ults.

and now no one has secondary ult -_-

Sheild generator was a pain in the butt to play against, and made a lot of cheese strats 5x cheesier. Going up against:

Capture point B defense
Symm shield generator+Torb/Brigitte armor
And a bastion behind a shield

You may as well just leave the match early.

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I do miss it, but both have their specific uses and cases in which they work out; It’s fun working out which side of the wall a dva bomb is in, to then be hooked or booped onto the side you want to be in, in order to survive though :wink:

it was also the easiest ult to counter

Tracer with 400 hp


IF your team was coordinated and had common sense.

(cries in quickplay soloque)

I feel the balance team is trying to step away from having a hero give other people “Permanent” health, especially indefinite shields that can stack with other temporary health like Briggite’s Rally.

Back in late April, it was a viable stratagey people named “The Pantheon” Comp where people would play Torb, Sym, and Briggite. The primary focus was to get as much scrap and ultimate charge so that you could give everyone +300 health. This also made a very spicy comp when paired with a Zenyatta as he would have 225shields protecting his 225 armor, making it very hard to kill him with out directly assaulting him.

While I do hope they implement the shield generator into another hero (Possibly Sanjay Korpal Read more about him here: in the near future, I also hope they implement it in another way besides just leaving it sit around waiting for it to be found and destroyed.

I miss EVERYTHING about the old Symmetra !!

Just bring her back in the game please ! :frowning:

Partially true; it takes one stray flanker to do the job, hell, even sombra could do it in one clip.

And even then, you have those sheld gens that are set up in a turret nest, making it impossible to kill the generator without killing the turrets first. It gave Symmetra time to come running and either kill or chase off the flanker.

A shield gen behind anubis point B, inside a turret nest was a nightmare to deal with.

I don’t miss it. At all.

I’m not crying. You’re crying.

No, because 9.9/10 times it was smarter and more useful to place a teleporter instead. :blush:

Lmao are you actually serious ???

The Shield Gen was the reason why you can solo carry from bronze to master every single game as Symmetra with 85% winrate +
The Shield Gen gave Symmetra the biggest winrate in the game during more than a year from bronze to gm annnnnnnnd Sym SG + Brigitta was the most broken thing that happen in the game cause shield protected Brigitta armor.

Shield gen was also used to bait people in trap with sentries to guaranty so much wins cause people spend the all game to suicide on it ( Even in GM ).

No dude we don’t play the same game , Shield gen was just one of the strongest ultimate and all the high Symmetra 2.0 know that.
TP was super trash and that’s why people hated Sym cause 9/10 TP was useless.

PS : bring back Sym 2.0 already omg

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Um yeah, sorry that I found getting your entire team back halfway across the map in an instant, or tp’ing your entire team behind the enemy without them knowing, more useful than some extra health.
No need to get agro with me.

It was good on paper, but terrible in execution. I wish it was like how Photon Barrier is now, last 10-15 seconds and give a small but constant shield amount per second in ticks up to the 50/75 cap before the ult self destructs and you lose the shield or it gradually drains away.

I do miss shield gen, but it was boring. There were some real cheese spots where you could set and forget. If they tweaked it a little so it was forced to be used in the heat of a team fight, like I suggested above, I’d have fonder memories of it.

No, Infinite Value ultimates are inherently bad.

They create a “win more” scenario where it becomes incredibly hard to push through the statistical advantage, while having to be tuned weak enough that they don’t really matter when other people use their ultimates.

Ultimates like that are the main reason why Symmetra was never picked. You were incredibly reliant on the enemy not punching through in the first or second push, because if they did, they just ran you over.