Does anyone else think Widow is balanced?

She is balanced.

Balanced? Well…she has advantage over any hero that has less Mobility.

She can avoid any hero that cant climb

That leaves Winston Dva Hamster Genji Doomfist maybe?

And those heroes are actually strong against most of the heroes so it isnt just widowmakers weakness

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She’s on the strong side. Whether she is overpowered or not, I’m on the fence.

People claiming she’s overpowered, have usually suffered from a bad case of getting destroyed by a smurf.

She is balanced for everyone below the top 1%, basically. Well… maybe relatively underpowered until diamond.

she’s totally fine there are counters to her and there are counter plays for most of her capabilities

A good widow can change the entire fight. The thing is; the player playing her needs to be good. She’s one of the few heroes in this game that actually takes skill to play. It’s not like you can pick her up and carry the fight, if you don’t have the skills to play her (i.e; aim). A terrible widow is extremely easy to play around.

So while I hate being one shot by a Widow, I don’t think she’s OP at all, probably the only actually balanced hero in the game. She takes skill to use and be effective as, has draw-backs on her kit at close range and don’t have an ultimate that automatically gives her POTG by holding M1. So when you see a widow POTG it’s because it was a good widow.

Imagine if there were more heroes that required skill in this game.

She’s fine. If she has a problem it’s that her counters are under used.

She is overpowered, but not cause of her own design but cause how the game is designed. Game itself favors her a lot

She’s balanced. People that disagree don’t play her, suck at her, don’t understand how to position correctly to be out of sight; know how to utilize shields, or play her counters.

Is really an illusion. Do you not see her spine? Do you believe that it’s normal for a pelvis to be tilted forward like that? She’s doing what many women do; posing in such a way to accentuate her ***. It’s an affectation.

Shes overpowered cause it only takes 0.47 seconds of scope time to be able to delete any 200hp hero.

Shes overpowered cause she can scope while jumping.

Shes overpowered cause while scoped she doesnt even get aimpunched if taking damage.

All these combined with her stupid hitbox makes her a bs hero.

my chipsa viewers we must rise against the ‘widow is balanced’ peoples and ATTACK

theoretically i think she is unfair more so than overpowered. but then again, the majority of the roster got “unfair” abilities.

She’s a bit on the strong side if you ask me. But shes mostly fine

There aren’t enough heroes that can interract with her, that’s not necessarily a problem with her.

Or it’s that the other 11 players were complete trash xd

That’s the only way I get Widow POTG’s :rofl:

p.s she’s balanced.

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That too, Genji didn’t push his Q and held M1 just right :stuck_out_tongue:

Y u rain on my parade like this. Now I can’t unsee her spine.

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The game should be about teamwork, and less carrying your team by yourself.

Here we go again…

How exactly is she OP?

They probably mean in the idea that she can snipe people and kill them with one shot. But I think that’s more a manner of being able to use cover and knowing where she is.

Idk I feel like it’s not incredibly hard to get sniped by her as long as you are aware of her.

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