Does A Tank Have To Have 400+ HP? / Hero Concept

I just had an idea of a new hero that gives themself armore/shields, but has only 200 HP.
His name is Adriano, from Spain, being 27 years old and has his operation base(s) is/are in Madrid and Rio de Janeiro.

“What has been done cannot be undone.”

Adriano has a tan (what a surprise) and has a face kind of similar to McCree’s and Lucio’s, but has no beard. his hair is black, he has grey eyes, small nose and thin lips. He is 190cm tall, has a black, open trench coat, a black shirt, black jeans and black shoes which have a grey sole. (everything is black oops) His watch on his left wrist is also where he summons the ddrones from, while the beam projector is being held by his right hand.

Ability 1: That hero has a barrier that he cannot use, instead, he places the barrier onto another player. The barrier has 500 HP, is a wall and is a bit smaller than Orisa’s and cannot block stuns. The damage absorbed by the barrier will be converted into shield HP that fade after 10 seconds. (Max. 300 HP temp. shields.).
Cooldown: 12 seconds. The barrier fades after 9 seconds.

On second thought, the carrier of the barrier needs to be inside of a 20m radius of Adriano, someone like Zarya can become an extremely cheap Reinhardt for a second or two, while not making flankers like Tracer too strong.

The second ability will have him place a beacon that increases the barrier HP regeneration rate from 80/s to 120/s, and will give him armor HP that fades after 12 seconds for the damage he has done. (Max. 300 HP, +75/s temp. armor). If the beacon is destroyed, he loses 35% of his armor.
Cooldown: 15 seconds. Beacon HP: 1 HP normal, 174 armor.

For his ultimate, he gives everyone excluding himself a 400HP barrier, that converts absorbed damage into shield HP (Max. +150HP temp. shields.) The barrier only absorbs 75% of the damage taken, while the player takes the other 25%. Also, the damage the shields on the teammates convert into temp. shields give 40% of the temp. shield HP to the tank.
His passive ability is that once he falls under 50% of his original, normal HP, he converts every HP except one to everlasting armor. Once he has over 50% HP health, the converted HP will go back to normal HP.

For his primary fire, he controls drones that usualy float arond 10m infront of him, but floart arond and damage the enemy by shooting beams if he aims at them. The drones cannot be destroyed. The primary fire beam deals 45 damage/s, but can evolve into 110/s, depending on how much shield HP he has.

If he uses the secondary fire he uses a gun similar to Symmetra’s, which launches a black beam at the position he is aiming at. The gun has infinite ammo, but overheats if shooting too much. If shooting 12 seconds without stopping, the gun will overheat, when recovering from the heat, the gun needs to cool down 1 second to shoot 1 second.
Damage: 50/s.

In the story, he is a former Vishkar employee that quit after seeing what they have done with the Favela in Rio. He has good relations with Lucio and is disliked by Symmetra. As Rio was attacked by Null Sector, he defended himself witha gun and drones he made out of Vishkar’s hard light tech, but also got help by the people he helped to escape, by protecting them with shields, that gave him shields on his body and also a changed version of something he hoped would help to prevent death by accidents when constructing buldings. Though he missed the chance to speak to the Overwatch agents there, he now is on the way to Torbjörn, so he can talk with him and, if his feelings are right, to speak with the Overwatch agents.

He is always laid-back, almost a little careless, but that covers up and hides his desire to prevent what happened to the Favela in Rio to repeat and to protect the ones that don’t deserve what happens to them. He likes to do things that benefit as many as possible, unless they don’t deserve it. He loathes himself for supporting Vishkar, though the people of the Pavela fave already forgiven him when he helped reconstructing and repairing the buildings with unnatural speed and with a small helping of hard light technology. But whatever he does, he can only face the future, knowing that dark times are ahead.

Before you nuke me, I’m bad at balancing, and quite the amateur when creating characters in less than 30 minutes. Actually, I just picked Adriano because that was the first name I thought of. Also, we have yet to have a personality that likes to do something but can also not do it without regrets and also hates himself a bit, but is not depressed. Adriano is not the child of Zarya and Sigma, thank you very much. Also, yes, Adriano is also one of many of my original characters that I created in dreams, thoughts, and stories I’ve written for homework or just for fun.

Here, you can discuss the hero concept OR if a tank has to have more HP than DPS/Support.


Could be worse, at least you didn’t make him a Catboy.


wasnt that your thread?

No that’s mine! I am the weeb here!

really awkward, my bad.
not my thing, but lucio totally fits a catboy role.

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Remember -

A main tank is a hero who’s combination of large healthpool, armor, and abilities allow them in initiate the team fight, create space for the dps players on the team, and draw aggression from the enemy while staying alive themselves.


That is why I gave him abilities to get extra HP to be able to compete with other tanks.
I also did never say that he is a main tank. But I get it, though, he will probably be the most supportive tank out there and is not made for the real frontline.

I know, right?

We want a CatMAN, a hunky Doomfist-sized cat humanoid.


I quoted something, and that the ‘main tank’ was already in there.

A tank is basically someone who makes room and can absorb more damage because of high hp/shields.

The idea of a backline tank sort of gets rid of the purpose of a tank.

As for actual talk about the tank:

I’m a little worried that his ultimate is too similar to his first ability.

Ability 2 - will this be just for him, or for all shield heroes?

I do like the ultimate, though. I really liked Symm’s ultimate and so having something similar to it would be nice.

Primary fire - I would decrease the length, maybe to 5 m or so. But I’m not sure if I like this, especially with the seemingly no cooldown time to reload and how they can’t be destroyed.

Secondary fire - i like the idea of overheating. I would bring it down to 10 seconds, and add in how long they need to wait before the reheating resets.

ngl, Sym should really have been a walking aoe shield generator off tank with 2.0 barrier. Make her health lower, but give ehr high self regen.


Yeah, it kind of does. Bastion has 300 HP and gets mad bullied because he’s tank-sized.

Reminder that armor can save you from one Widow headshot if you have 300+ HP, but the followup will definitely kill you without lamp. Imagine trying to be the 200 HP tank and getting in Hanzo or McCree’s face.

Like, you can try to make a Sigma-lite hero that absorbs incoming damage into extra HP with a cooldown, but when you don’t have that cooldown you’ll just get blown up by spam and poke damage.

You don’t include a way to clear/control space either, so rush comps will just run you over because you can’t use your barrier on yourself and you have as much HP as Sombra if nobody feeds your barrier charge.


400 hp isn’t even enough to make a tank, actually a tank, in todays dps favored environment. I’ve died on roadhog before I could get back in cover by just peaking. Went out to right-click, got hit by 2 hanzo arrows in the head instantly, someone else shot at me as well and a zen barrage and died.

Not to sound too harsh, but I really don’t think this hero would work as a tank. The tank’s primary role is to engage and ultimately be the big distraction that the enemy team has to focus on.

A tank that can get 1-shot by Hanzo/Widow or 1-clipped by a tracer just won’t have the ability to ever really step forward. There is just too much burst and spam damage. Even tanks with 600 hp can get killed in the duration of a single flashbang. With as squishy as he is, he would never be able to peek a corner without risking exploding. How will he try to deal with getting through the Hanamura/Anubis A choke points?

The second issue is that it sounds like none of his defensive abilities are readily available. Without something like a personal bubble, shield or kinetic grasp any sort of burst will kill him before he can gain benefit from his defenses. His first ability does sound like it could make for a very good off-tank support ability like a prolonged Zarya bubble, but leaves him too vulnerable to help with the followup.

The third issue is that without any movement abilities,cc, or instant defenses he will be exceptionally easy to run down. While this could be mitigated with range allowing him to play from high-ground like Orisa, he still sounds like a very easy dive target.

idk what this kids talking about that theres no catboy skins lucio literally has one

Your tank design would be destroyed and never played outside of joke picks.

Sry but if these things together would not kill a tank, tanks would be too strong.

300 max temp shields lmao imaging putting that on tracer or even genji.

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You shouldn’t die in like 1-2 seconds as a tank.

Love the idea of that primary fire!

I imagine it would require a lot of finesse and creativity to get accurate with the drone beam, especially when turning (assuming the drone has turning lag and requires pathfinding to avoid wall-clipping).

And even if it’s a lot for new players, there’s still the secondary fire for reliability.

if you stand in barrages (storm arrow and zen right click) you totally should.