Does a Support Have To Heal?

What I mean is that it is a SYMPTOM of a larger problem.

Blocking healing is only busted if you immediately start to lose a fight when it gets blocked. In which case, the problem ISN’T the heal-block itself, it’s how important/powerful healing is that you basically cannot win most fights without it.

It’s like if a support hero had a long cooldown power that could blink off all shields/barriers for 2-3 seconds (sorta like mini-EMP but without blocking other abilities).

A couple years ago during the height of Orisa/Sigma, that would have been insanely powerful and would have been an absolute must pick.

A year or so later when they trashed barriers across the board and everyone was playing Roadhog/Zarya, it wouldn’t have been as big of a deal.

It’s still a very strong theoretical ability, but the effectiveness waxes and wanes based on how important the resource it blocks is.

That’s still healing that matters, though. In a fight, someone with a Zen healing them has a clear advantage even if the Zen has his discord somewhere else.

Those garbage heals dont matter. But his op base damage AND discord on top of that, always matter. Heck, the only healing part of him that matters is his op ult, which somehow never got nerfed once.

Healing is healing. Like everything else, you guys are just ignoring facts to suit your narrative. If his healing doesn’t matter, why don’t they remove harmony orb and buff his kit? Obviously, there’s a reason no one thinks that’s a good idea.

You should check out that Wrecking Ball thread I made. I pointed out how WB is the character literally everyone’s asked for, yet no one likes him BECAUSE you guys ignore facts to make you guys feel better.

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Yes, but to make Moira work in high ranks you need to do a lot of damage to make up for not using Ana/Baptiste tbh.

And… Baptiste still is 100x better even if you make sure you’re contributing tons with Moira.

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I can already imagine 2 non healing support comps being viewed as throwing

(Maybe if they add a million heal packs around the map)

You’re ignoring the fact that Zen’s heals are useless. They dont keep anyone alive like Mercy’s heals. Heck, every other heal ability is better than Harmony Orb. And Blizzard allows Zen to have superior offense capabilities over heals.

You ask why doesnt Blizzard remove it? As if it will stick around, either that change is reserved for OW2, or it will happen in OW1 just to test the waters on how it will work in OW2.

And Hammond, who asked for ANOTHER DPS? People wanted another ACTUAL Tank. Not a 2nd rate Tracer with far more health & is even more of a pain to kill.

But with OW2 coming, such characters will be more like Brawlers than Defenders. Hammond’s design will be fine then.

Sym 1.0 did not work. If you believe that Sym was a Support with 1.0 then you believe she still is because she has MORE support tools overall now then before. There is a reason 1.0 was terrible. It also benefited from the fact that no one was really any good at OW back then (seriously go watch rank 70+ games from season 1 and it will physically hurt you seeing how bad people were).

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It could be possible to have a support without healing. It could be a different Vishkar hero.

Weapon - charging hard light condenser - Pistol with a illuminated core - all shots must be charged to fire - with a fast charge rate - fires a very fast small hard light projectile

Passive - regenerative healing like Mercy

  1. 200 hp
  2. Primes 1 target granting temporary front facing shield when standing still - ally must be within 20 meters of support to function
  3. Decoy - create a false double of the support
  4. Ultimate - Dispersion field - release a cloud of fractal lenses that creates a bubble decreases the damage for all allies standing in it. The bubble can move with the support or placed down - moving the bubble causes the ultimate to end faster - stationary bubble last 5 seconds - moving bubble last 2.5 seconds.

Actually 25 shield was considered OP on heros like tracer… the main reason it was removed

My main point is that they AREN’T useless. Going forward deadlocked on them BEING useless will only ensure you’ll never see my point. Even if you think they’re useless, accept the fact that someone may have a different opinion.

Yeah, but they still provide healing from afar that can tip a match in the favor of the one being healed. Not only is that a use, its kinda important for a game where characters don’t have to group up 100% of the time.

Zen having farther healing enables players to play farther. Pair him with Ana or Bap, and the team with the zen can push farther easier, and they can weaken enemy defenses. A key part to that is Zen’s healing.

This is conjecture based on nothing. You’re just saying this will happen out of nowhere. I’d be like me saying “Since shields are useless in OW2, they’ll give Reinhardt a jetpack, or Strike Raid from Kingdom hearts. and take away his shield!”

Majority of the people on here when they said “Tanks don’t have to tank to be tanks! Tanks should have the more independence! No one wants to sit behind a shield! Dive was the best meta! We need more carry potential!”

Hammond embodies all of that, does he not? Literally the people on here asked for Hammond.

A bold lie. I’d go so far as to say Tanks are one of the most hated roles in OW due to the shields denying kills. Actually, anything that denies kills seems to draw the hate of the people on here, since they want the game to be faster paced.

Then they buff McCree, add Hammond, leave Widow’s oneshot, nerfs shields to make the game faster paced, and you guys go “NOOO!” anyway.

You don’t know that. For all we know, OW2 may make everything worse. I’m surprised at the amount of people going “Everything will be fine with OW2 comes out…Everything will be fine when OW2 comes out!” after all that’s happened here.

I haven’t heard about that one.
Probably just consistency then.

Yet in true Blizzard fashion they take the wants of the community and make it into something worse. A hypermobile CC machine.

That reminds me of this comment

This is exactly what Blizzard is doing. I’ve noticed this since the whole double shield fiasco.

Gamers: Shields are too strong!

Blizzard: What do we do?! Do we

A.) Buff shield counters, like Sym, Bastion, and Sombra (heroes at the time that people wanted to see buffed), or

b.) nerf shields and tanks, make them unable to preform in their role, and force Meta tanks now more than ever while also requiring cascading nerfs to address the DPS getting indirectly buffed.

Then Blizzard took a hammer to that nut and bolt and broke everything by choosing “B”.

They don’t and they should. Tanks that rely on their team to get value are a lot more difficult to play, and thus way less popular. Zarya is a great example of an independent tank hero because of how her kit works, and she absolutely controls space by virtue of her damage and being difficult to get rid of without a lot of effort.

Rectangle man is vastly less fun to play than Zarya, unless you have a comp that hard enables him to not need his shield very often. Orisa struggles for the same reasons.

Its fine that you have this opinion, and honestly I don’t hate more independent tanks. I just don’t see why we can’t have both types of tanks, and ALSO have to point out people hated it when they got that independent tank.

Obviously, popularity isn’t an issue. They added ball and nothing changed, and honestly its the DPS players clogging the queue times.

Speaking of which, I don’t see why “having both” isn’t a thing people seem to want for the Overwatch franchise. Why can’t we have tanky tanks with more focus on teamwork IN THIS TEAM GAME, but also have tanks like Ball and Roadhog?

I’ve never seen teamwork so hated before. It’d be like playing Final Fantasy Tactics and complaining that the game’s too slow.

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Do you remember the 1st Metas i can’t remember mercy had been used much there

Think? Its a fact. Look at every other heal ability, then look at Zen’s. Even Lucio’s heals are better. Zen’s heals will not pocket a teammate. So what’s the point of using them?

They certainly dont. His ult tips the match in his team’s favor. So does discord, but not his heals.

Based on nothing? OW2 will kill the mandatory teamwork altogether. Look at Rein, as if he wasnt a hard-hitter already, he’ll be stronger in OW2. Winston gets a new dmg ability in OW2.

Then there’s the fact that Blizzard already nerfed heals to the ground. Nearly every chatacter in that category gets to focus more on dmg than heals. So the only thing left to do is remove heals altogether. Barriers will eventually be gone altogether too. After all, Blizzard themselves said that Tanks in OW2 wont just stand & defend.

Well, before Overwatch 2 they were wrong. Tanks were supposed to defend to be Tanks. It seems more like Hog players were saying otherwise. But they get their wish.

More like DPS hate it, which is baffling to do now because Blizzard killed Rein & Sigma’s barriers, while the remaining ones are next, and in the meantime they’re easily shot down.

I do. First off, I play Paladins, so I’m already prepped for 5v5.

Secondly, Blizzard has been going in an FPS direction for years. Ive been anticipating the day they finally stop being slow on that.

They want all DPS, at least the game will be fun for everyone again, instead of just the 1% of the playerbase.

5v5 means one less enemy to deal with & 1 less teammate to worry about. No teammate reliance means it’d be possible for everyone to do alot in a match alone, it means no more trash teammates holding other players back. And wont ult gain happen alot slower there? So that means less or maybe no tryhard ults at the very last second.

Honestly, there’s nothing bad about it. And if there’s a huge roster at Day 1(there better be. If it wasnt for OW2 we’d have, what, 5 new characters by now), then matches will vary.

It was top 8 most broken things this game has ever seen. It countered like 23 ults on a 6 second cooldown. Would legit quit and never come back if they brought it back in any way

I quite literally listed a few good reasons to use his heals.

You’re throwing if you’re not using Zen healing.

You have the advantage if you’re being healed and the guy you’re fighting isn’t. Even Soldier 76’s healing can dramatically tip the fight in his favor. By getting a steady pocket, you change the TTK for everything buy extremely high burst damage. The person getting healing WILL take longer to kill, and again, Zenyatta has a wide range of influence.

Of course his healing matters. The fact that you don’t think it does would be surprising if I wasn’t on the OW forums.


There’s direct footage of Reinhardt being absolutely useless in OW2. You’re literally saying “No, don’t believe what you saw! Don’t believe your lying eyes, believe me!”

Now, they COULD change Rein for the better, but I have no reason to say that they will.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You guys are really ruining Overwatch. Who in the world would want to play that bland, sterile version of what was supposed to be a hero shooter? Why would I play that over Call of duty or Titan fall?

At least there I can get different guns. Titan fall even has Abilities, and they let me use my damage amping shield whenever its off CD. I never have to worry about people crying over it.

In Rein’s case he’ll back up and die. I guess that’s more than defending.

Overwatch isn’t paladins. Just because something works there, doesn’t mean it’ll work in Overwatch. In fact, I bought Overwatch because I didn’t want paladins. If OW2 is just going to become like an F2P game, but you have to pay to get in, why would I?

And OW has been going downhill for years. Coincidence?

The game will not be fun for everyone. If I wanted to play DPS, I’d just queue for DPS! I’d just play Hog or Ball! I chose OW because it was different from other shooters, why should I settle for it becoming a worse version of itself?

Overwatch will lose time and time again to games with better gun mechanics. It can’t even stand up to Halo: Combat Evolved, and that games old as heck. Why is everyone so happy to have the game dumbed down; I don’t even think it’ll help queue times since people will just choose to be the better shooters in this new shooter OW.