Does a Hint for the next hero already exist in game?

Yea, In fact the devs made Ashe for the sole reason that they liked her WHILE making the animated short, kinda wild. Anything is possible…like a hyper intelligent bear


Gonna laugh if it’s orange ball related

Hammond has to get an Orange Ball skin

I sure as f* hope they don’t release a new hero until they get their current hero sh* together.

The italian omnic in Rialto and the african omnic in Numbani (Posters)
Rey (The pilot of the KOTH ships)
Emre (Operation: White Dome)
Liao (First Strike)
Sanjay (Comics, interactions, origin stories)
Jetpack Cat (Multiple hints but it could be just for meme reasons)
Junkerqueen (Posters)
Dae-Hyun and the MEKA squad (Cinematic)
Presumed Dead characters who can turned out to be alive (Sojiro, Antonio, etc.)

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Oh here is a list of all current candidates: :Smile: Updated list for all candidates likely for hero 30 (Confirmed not to be Echo and might come out sooner then March.)

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Didn’t they say in an interview or smth that it was a Numbani version of Rein?

I like that design a lot though.

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