Does a Hint for the next hero already exist in game?

Fools, we’re obviously getting Kuma as a special guest hero from Tekken

In all seriousness though, we know Hero 30 isn’t Echo, but we also know that the next 6 heroes are already in varying stages of development, and Healers seemed to be what Blizz was focusing on based off recent interviews and such

Honestly they should release that concept as actual hero.

There might be clue existing already. If we look at it from developer standpoint game need most tanks and supports. We have since launch 3 sups, 3DPS and 2 tanks. 30 is probably a tank.

Possible candidates for that role: Junker Queen, That Luchador looking robot, Someone from Talon (Sanjay in Hulkbuster Armor?), MEKA member (highly unlikely) or someone we didn’t knew about. Possibilities are vast.

That’s a good question. Hopefully yes :smiley:

Could we consider Route 66 as a whole to have been the “hint” for Ashe? lol

I had a dream last night that the next hero was on PTR already and was something along the lines of - and monkey or ape driving a car with spherical wheels? Oh and the ROB character in smash was the ultimate ability.

My prediction is 110% correct. :wink:

That Luchador robot was an early version of Reinhardt if we’re thinking of the same thing.

I feel like a Talon Tank is most likely

You don’t always base the predictions off of the size if you wanted a Tank.

Imagine if the Tank was small but summoned big objects like Mei.

I think we do but it couldn’t be prototype of Rein.

They are in same picture.

You could be right but for now every Tank was rather big. I dobout they gonna change that trend.

No it was, in the official OW art book it showed it was one of the earliest Rein concepts with like a Wildebeest motif and a flail like Brigitte I don’t know why they’re in the image together, but it most definitely was early Reinhardt art

Honestly I would ignore this. A lot of these turn out to be other heroes we seen before.

You should look at that art book. Has stuff like Roadhog with a flamethrower

Maybe it is like with Hammond? He started as concept of Junkrat and become his own hero.

Or in Echo case someone entierly new.

For real though we should just get a Bear as a Hero, I mean if a Hamster piloting a Death Mech can be made into a hero there’s nothing saying we can’t get a Hyper Intelligent Bear as maybe a Talon equivalent to Winston

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It’s better to use in game stuff as possible next heroes guesses unless it’s something new. (That’s what this asking anyway if it’s either or.

Good example of a possible in game hero would be Leonora.

That italian Omnic Artist? I guess, but doing more research keeping head leveled (No tinfoil hats allowed) never hurt anyone. Beside Ashe basically never existed before BlizzCon. All we knew was that Deadlock was still operating. So it is literall guess work.

Yea, In fact the devs made Ashe for the sole reason that they liked her WHILE making the animated short, kinda wild. Anything is possible…like a hyper intelligent bear


Gonna laugh if it’s orange ball related

Hammond has to get an Orange Ball skin

I sure as f* hope they don’t release a new hero until they get their current hero sh* together.

The italian omnic in Rialto and the african omnic in Numbani (Posters)
Rey (The pilot of the KOTH ships)
Emre (Operation: White Dome)
Liao (First Strike)
Sanjay (Comics, interactions, origin stories)
Jetpack Cat (Multiple hints but it could be just for meme reasons)
Junkerqueen (Posters)
Dae-Hyun and the MEKA squad (Cinematic)
Presumed Dead characters who can turned out to be alive (Sojiro, Antonio, etc.)

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Oh here is a list of all current candidates: :Smile: Updated list for all candidates likely for hero 30 (Confirmed not to be Echo and might come out sooner then March.)

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Didn’t they say in an interview or smth that it was a Numbani version of Rein?

I like that design a lot though.

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