Do you think the forum should have downvotes

I most definitely will! I am going bookmark the thread so I can dig up all my videos.

That’s what I said earlier. It wouldn’t be a problem in the first place if people just didn’t flag you for having a different opinion.


Which suggests actually suspending people for false flagging and keeping track of who flags what and if a user flags X number of posts that were found to be innocent, they can’t flag something for X number of days or their flags gets reduced until they can flag X number of posts correctly.

We don’t need downvoting to come back. We need actual enforcement of already practical rules as defined by this

And bringing back downvotes is supposed to fix this issue (Which is unconfirmed) ??



Forums are now an actual place for discussion and not just a glorified voting platform with 0 reasoning given behind opinions.


I always found downvotes to be perfectly productive. The ‘hidden text’ part of it wasn’t necessary, and apparently a lot of people didn’t know that you could simply click to show the text… that led to a lot of misconceptions about downvotes being used to make unpopular opinions unheard / invisible.

Consider this. In the old forums, whenever someone would say ‘I hate downvotes’ that would get a certain amount of upvotes, but VASTLY more downvotes. Leading one to think that downvotes were VERY POPULAR.

In the new forums, without downvotes, whenever someone would say ‘I hate downvotes and am glad they are gone’, all you would see is that same number of upvotes, but not see any downvotes. Leading one to think that downvotes were VERY UNPOPULAR.

Did everyone suddenly decide they didn’t like downvotes? Of course not! They simply removed the mechanism by which disagreement could be easily registered.

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What do you think will happen with down votes for unpopular opinions regardless on how constructive their posts are?

Nah, let it be. It’s not really going to change anything.

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Not to mention that this is a “discussion” forum. Not a “baseless opinon” forum.

I’m sorry you have to actually type to disagree with something.

Even still, when a post got hidden, it didn’t show up in the new feed or anything. New people couldn’t see it if it was the topic post. If it was a comment, people either ignored it or clicked on it to see what actually got downvoted so much, then they downvote it if they disagree.

Literally every “Upvote/Downvote” system on the internet is intended for use to hide off topic discussion or anything that’s crazy. It was never intended for suppressing what you don’t like.

Reddit, LoL forums, and even some of the modfaq forums have some kind of “ediquette” post where it lays out when you should and should not downvote something.


A lot of the time people would downvote it regardless of what they truly felt too. Mob mentality and all that.

Yupp. It’s kinda scary how the hive mind influenced opinions. It’s a bit of a shame that we can’t share an opinion without it being offensive to anyone and thus getting you suspended.

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Let’s not pretend there weren’t a ton of people down voting to be funny with irony.

You can still respond to it with “I miss downvotes” and then that could be upvoted as well.

Then whichever differing opinion that has the more upvotes is the more popular one.

Only difference is you actually need to speak up and actually present an oposing side (preferebly with some reasoning) instead of just mindlessly clicking a button because they got upset for no apparent reason.


At this point, that’s spam. It’s off topic discussion.

If you don’t like something, you can either respond to it constructively with your own points, or you can leave it alone. This is a discussion forum after all, so we should… you know… discuss things we conflict upon. One opinion isn’t fact but neither is 100 opinions. Especially when there’s millions of players all with differing opinions on many many different topics.

We can’t ignore them. The downvote system allows us to ignore them.

It’s a shame that the report system allows them to be suspended too.

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Oh yea, I definitely agree that if you just respond with “nah I disagree” you shouldn’t have responded in general.

My point is more than people can do that, and they can give reasoning then too, and if the response gets more votes than the OP, then the response is more popular, just like one could “tell” by looking at the up to down vote ratio.

That’s true.

From my experience, when I disagree with OP and give good reasoning, I’m called a forum troll, regardless of context or anything related and might even get reported.

All because I disagree with OP.

Yes, we should have downvotes

If I can’t call a bigot an idiot, than I should have some manner of action that I can perform, instead of acting like they have a point that can be discussed, and aren’t totally repugnant

Considering Blizzard never punishes them


If they’re actually being a bigot, then you can flag them.

If they’re not and you just don’t like what they said, then you don’t need to respond.

The mod’s rep around here is that they’re actually too strict. Not sure why you think they don’t do anything.

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Yeah, they are if you call someone an idiot. Saying dumb bigot stuff though ? They close the thread, which is more of a punishment to the people posting in good faith than the people posting dumb stuff

I’m aware of that possibility but wheres the proof? I certainly never downvoted as a joke.

Thank you kindly