Do you think Pink Mercy should come back?

uhuh says the person starting a whole discussion because i called a skin ugly.

You took it out of context & went on the defensive lol

Ok fine my last reply before i stop this discussion.

You are triggered you are defensive because of someone calling a skin ugly, only because you want to feel special of having it.

Now i won’t reply back bye kiddo.

Thanks for the laughs mate, i appreciate it but learn to take sarcasm to heart once in a while before you create a biff with a complete stranger you don’t know. ciao :wave:

It should be made available again, as should many of the other skins people can’t get again.

As to HOW, it “should” be linked to a charity and profits donated. Maybe not the same charity but making actual money for the company off of it should be frowned upon.

Money still gets donated, and I’m going to say right now that a cancer survivor couldn’t care less that the money that supported/developed their treatment came from someone who wanted an ingame skin.

Donations that don’t still get donated. I’m pretty tired of people counter-cloutfarming by pointing out that people doing good things aren’t doing them for the “right” reasons if they get popularity or something out of it. They’re generally doing more than those complaining about them.


This is why I don’t care anymore… no one can agree on anything I wish I could throw the pink skin in the trash ugh

Yes absolutely. People should be able to donate to breast cancer at any point forever and receive Pink Mercy. I see no downside to this. :man_shrugging:

I already have it, but I think everyone should have the opportunity to get it forever if they so choose.

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Talking about it for god knows how many times just leads to heated debates.

Yes this would be the easiest solution if there weren’t so many legalities that people have gone over countless times.

It’s just not that simple.
I wish it were

“Legalities”? What are you even talking about.

I’m indifferent towards the skin at this point.

Wouldn’t mind if we have another charity going towards something good. With or without a skin.


I’ve got it and like it (you’ll get a few folks on here saying it’s the worst skin in the game and they’re objectively wrong!).

I say bring it back. No strings attached, no “perks” for folks who already have the skin, just give people now playing the game the opportunity to get it for their collections too.

People can also donate at any time, so if it was to come back as skin only, then players could still choose to seek out a relevant charity if they so wanted.

tl;dr Make Pink Mercy available to players again has my vote…


It don’t matter what we think…

Here’s the thing, I highly doubt the BCRF would even want to make another deal with Blizzard. A company who’s been blamed for worker mistreatment and sexual assault allegations. It would seem insincere and more of a ploy to generate good PR.

Do I personally think the Pink Mercy skin should come back? Honestly, I don’t care either way. It might be a bit more complicated then just bringing a skin back. Legally maybe Blizzard can’t. I know WoW has a similar issue with a mount. Where technically they don’t own the rights to the mount’s design anymore. So they can’t re-add it for sale in-game even if they wanted too.

And back on topic of Overwatch the better solution IMO, would be to do a new event. :man_shrugging:

The idea to do a firefighter junkrat skin for the Australian Wildfires back in 2020 / 2019 was absolutely a missed opportunity by Blizzard.

Also anyone saying, “But, it’s for charity.”

Don’t lie to yourself, you just want the skin. The charity hasn’t gone anywhere and you can donate anytime. :neutral_face:

Your not fooling anyone.

They don’t need a deal with them. Blizzard could donate money to them whether they make a formal event of it or not. You just go to their website and donate money. I’m sure there are better methods when donating larger sums of money though.

Blizzard can sell Pink and donate all or most of the proceeds to them or any charity. There is nothing stopping them other than themselves. The only thing they likely can’t do is put that little BCRF logo in the corner of their advertisements.

i kinda agree with this myself or they should rotate all skins back in somehow like how fortnite does it. would love to have to the chance to acquire the symmetra tyrande skin again

if it never happens then oh well but i wouldnt mind if people got the chance to get skins they dont have. i have the noire widowmaker skin and i dont care if everyone else does lol… not one of those types that think only a few people should have it. thats almost a NFT thing

I am pretty sure that OW2 will have fewer, higher quality skins that are all microtransactions, including the pink mercy

I think it should be yearly, but scalpers that sell the Skin code online will always say “no”. Just because the market is there for it and people want to pay it.

The other side would argue. “well why don’t you just donate the money without the skin”.

That may be true, but most people want something semi-tangible for their money, otherwise they won’t provide money for it.

I get into this discussion for charities often, just because it is often EXPLOITED at the same time. Even by charities that seam to be “honest”.

Just looking at a non-profit’s books for how much money they REALLY spend on the people they are raising money for. It might be less than 10% of the total money given to actual use in the charity. and then looking at the researcher’s books how much money are they really SPENDING on research equipment, and not petty things like meals being wrote-off as tax-free expenses.

The same goes for CHECK STAND harassment. Someone working the register is being forced to panhandle Charity stuff by asking the customer if they want to donate a dollar to some person, in hopes of embarrassing “you” as the customer at the register into donating 1 dollar, and if you say “no”, it makes a person look scummy.

Then often the store says THEY are the ones that donated the money, and not the names of those whom did. SO THEY get to write it off on their taxes. NO “you”.

Back to the Pink mercy skin: I think most of us here can AGREE as a community to this Skin-cosmetic as something we would like to do and have YEARLY, and for those that say “no”. They are essentially soul-less scalpers wanting the cosmetic to represent a rarity on their account, and they couldn’t give two flying (explicit) about Cancer research at all, PERIOD.

My aunt died that week from cancer, the week that skin launched. I didn’t get a Cosmetic, I was out helping the family get prepped for a funeral and I am sure other people that week in other parts of the world also died of cancer. So if we can have something that raises money for research or crowd funding people to get Cancer treatments, all the better. It would be the “ethos” of Overwatch to say that Charity fund raisers for core life-threatening issues would be more than fair to make this game have a better image for itself.


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Ooooof ok I did NOT expect this thread to get so much attention. Thanks for sharing your views tho

I fully agree but sadly with every game using FOMO tactics with stuff like battle passes or daily logins I don’t expect games to stop this artificial scarcity strategy because it’s been proven to work.

Rindr: There is sorta kinda an unwritten rule that indicates we shouldnt be replying to old threads like this one

Doing so is called “necro’ing”

I’d recommend you re-post these thoughts on a current Pink Mercy thread so we can continue the discussion there.

Here’s a link to a current Pink Mercy thread: Pink Mercy in Overwatch 2

I hope to see you there

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