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I would make all of his transformation speeds faster.
I would also allow him to go into “Tread,” mode. While in “Tread,” mode he cannot attack, however his ironclad is increased and he can self heal. He creates a mini version of himself, and climbs up walls.
This way he can make himself smaller/harder to spot/hit and get to places that he currently can’t reach without a Mei.
ETA: They can use the old model for his original ultimate perhaps.
ETA: Also perhaps give him a small hop while in this mode.
The reason that I think this would help is I see a lot of good Bastion players constantly changing position or trying to hit from unexpected places, but they can only do that so much because he’s big and slow. If you just made him run faster he’d be a better Soldier 76.
Because he’s not moving any faster and he’s not putting out any damage, this wouldn’t be as useful as a disengage as Soldier’s sprint. But because it wall climbs, he could get to spots that Soldier couldn’t get too as easily.
And since it makes him smaller, it would make him harder to spot while he changes position.
This is what his old ult used to look like and the size I think he could become.
This was the suggestion I made in the old thread, not sure if it’s good or not. I was just thinking about how I could enhance the playstyle of the successful solo Bastions that I’ve seen, but I don’t play Bastion nor do I look at much of his gameplay footage, so I’m not sure if this would be a good idea. I’m sure an actual Bastion player could suggest better.