Do you guys just come on here to complain?

Because the community doesn’t want those changes, simple as that.


Speak for yourself. OW2 cant come fast enough. It all mostly sounds good or waaay better than what we have now.
Also, most players that play or have ever played OW have never visited these forums or don’t even know these forums exist.
Especially the millions of players that left OW already and those are the players Blizzard wants back for OW2.
What you have in these forums is a small % of players that come to OW mostly for the lore, MOBA type gameplay, mostly supports, and tank players, dps haters, anti fps players. And its evident with the countless of threads where people ask “what is you main”, “What class do you like the best”, etc, etc.
I have monitored these types of players in here for a very long time. Im not just making things up.

Sure, you’re free to think and perceive what the community wants as you wish. My point is that people complaining and urging the developers to take a different direction aren’t all misunderstanding what they want to do. Many of us just don’t like it.


Now that’s a good one man. In case this wasn’t a joke, Blizzard is obviously incredibly undiplomatic.

I mean the State of California is alleging they literally shredded documents and destroyed evidence related to a lawsuit they are facing - that doesn’t seem like a super diplomatic organization


The funny thing about this is that Blizzard isnt blunt or straight out like i would like them to be.

They say things like…

“We understand your concerns about 5v5 but we assure you that we will make it an enjoyable experience … blah blah… PR talk, etc”

Instead of saying .
“OW2 is 5v5, that is what we have decided. We are tweaking the game and all heroes to fit into this direction. Deal with it. Its happening. Nothing you say from now on will change that.”

Yet certain people still dont get it. That is why i wish they were way more straight out. So maybe then these people can accept it or move on already instead of complaining daily on these forums

Fair enough. I think people don’t know why the don’t like the way Blizzard directs update communications - but this is why. Because those leading statements of “we hear your concerns and therefore are giving you X (Brig 1.0, Sigma 1.0, OW2)” leave you with a brief fuzzy feeling until you remember, wait, I didn’t want that at all.


Completely normal. People who enjoy the game will be off enjoying the game. It’s people who are too upset with the game but want to enjoy it who tend to write about it online.

It’s like reading product reviews. They’re always weighted toward the negative side because the few people who got duds are far more likely to go write a review than the thousands who got what they paid for. It’s just human nature.

Whenever positive threads get made, people don’t really support them by posting. Probably because they feel it don’t contribute much to just say “I agree” or :100: or whatever.

So the negative stuff ends up getting more engagement and staying near the top longer. If you want to see positive threads, you gotta post in them. Strike up conversations. That kind of thing. Just pressing like alone only sends it down beneath the negative threads.

I won’t deny it feels kinda lame sometimes and I struggle with that big time myself lol. But like we the community have to make the community we want to see. It’s negative because this is the posts we engage in.

TBF complaints drive discussion (at least, the well articulated complaint posts do). If people didn’t complain then you’d get something like r/Overwatch where it’s just people posting youtube/gif links to mediocre POTGs.

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I think people would complain less about OW2 if, you know, it didnt kill OW1. I would be way less vocal about my dislike for 5v5 if i still had OW1 and 6v6. Keep in mind that if OW2 was a true sequel, those that like 5v5 could move on and those of us that dont can just keep playing OW1 but that isnt the case.

Also i think most of us know fully well that 5V5 is inevitable, but i will still fight till its release on why i think its bad direction for the game in general.

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I have seen a bunch of posters here tell me they don’t play anymore yet they post here all the time. But trolls need a bridge to live under so

teh devs need to realize there are severe issues with the game and balancing they need to quit listening to the “pros” only that is where fault lies

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Yes. This is literally the suggestion box for Overwatch, and where they’ve designated feedback should go (alongside subReddits).

I worked in customer service for a number of years. I’ll share some major themes of the industry:

  • People don’t [call] in when everything is fine or going well.
  • People complain because they care about something.
  • Complaints are an opportunity to save or keep business, and if you do exceptional customer service it can grow business by word of mouth. The reverse is also true.

Those facts should tell you most of what you need to know about forum behaviour, and the reasons behind it. Extremely rarely will you have someone ask to speak to your manager because you did an outstanding job with their case (something I actually endorse for exceptional customer service people; something you see AndyB has received from the community), but most people take far more opportunities to air grievances than they do to sing praises. This could be either cultural or simply human/animal nature.

When the game is going well, that will be reflected by a growing playerbase/viewership, and less negative activity on the forums.


I miss the “nerf hero x” rage posts especially back when private profiles where not a thing.

With the threads containing actually advice for the op’s hero at his rank. :sweat_smile:

So basically

“Let’s not listen to the community at all, that should help increase our playerbase!”


You are extremely misinformed if you think the full amount of the player base resides in these forums.
Most of the OW playerbase (millions) dont even play OW anymore.
And most of the ones that still do , dont even know these forums exist.

(leaves without elaborating)

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I don’t like these “Overwatch sucks” posts either but that’s how many are probably thinking and can’t help themselves but to spam the forum of these kind of posts I guess.

Whenever I try talking about more nerdy stuff like 240Hz display, adaptive sync, aim feeling different with and without fullscreen optimization etc. Not many people participate in these type of discussions.

Which makes me wonder if people are actually even enjoying this game or trying to get better at it.

But then again, whenever I try making posts like that in Valorant subreddit, not much people also comment on my posts either. And the lame “I got an Ace!” video clips gets all the upvotes. So maybe I’m just the weird one here lol.

pretty much yes… I have such a huge post count lol

So they’re just taking a rough guess as to what the players like? That is absurd. There is no factual information on feedback, that is what the forums, twitter, and reddit are all used for, and it doesn’t need to be a majority either.

Players come on these social media platforms to complain so they’re going to say what they dislike about the game. Closing your ideas and saying “Haha this is the right direction to take the game and we’re not listening to you” is possibly the worst idea I have ever heard.