Do we need a push?

I’m talking about LFG. I feel as though it’s not getting the full value out. The way it should work is for players to eventually find a permanent group of players to team up with, but really I haven’t seen that. Even if you friend people they just go back to solo queuing. It’s just so new that people are afraid to group up. I am one of those people. I just have gotten unlucky with groups so far. I haven’t played this week, but maybe once I come back to it it’ll be better.


I just want to get into a group without being kicked within a minute of joining.


They need clans:

Check out the mega thread.

Jeff did say in an earlier interview (earlier this summer) that he can neither confirm/deny the existence of a clan system (with a BIG grin) on his face, and said he’s excited for the features coming up towards the end of the summer.

People kept trying to say “naw we don’t need clans, LFG will be just as good” and your post is exactly why I was saying it wouldn’t work.

People group up, and then leave when they stop winning. There’s no rapport or camaraderie built… and that is where real team work starts to take place. You have to play multiple frequent games with people to really nail down the cooperative aspect of team play.


Thanks man. Appreciate the info!

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My thoughts are that most people were excited to more or less “exploit” SR and once they realized they could not, they went back to just playing the standard way. Especially as the toxic players are the ones using LFG. You know, the control freaks that believe they know what is best for the team. LFG lets them feel in control and what happens when normal people join their group? Well, they have a bad experience and just go back to the quicker and easier method.

Why is it that it has to end up with people finding permanent groups? I have no desire to do that for one

Also isent this functionality already in the game? Could you not simply friend the people you want to play more with and sort it out like that? I don’t know what more it is you want out of this

You just need to find people you enjoy playing with.
I’ve made one friend in Overwatch, all of the other people that I still play with or have regularly grouped with come from other titles… Some of the people I’ve known for almost 8 years.

I honestly barely have interest in making new friends to play games with, obviously I’m not against it but I have enough as is… I couldn’t play with all of them even if I wanted to and usually I end up playing every title with the same “crew”.

What I also said prior to LFG’s release: “People will think it’s a win all games system and once they realize it’s not, they’re out”

I’m not asking for Blizzard to make changes. I want the community to do so. We have the tools needed to make groups that we can work with.

Well you are not going to get the community to do anything, you can do it and if you want to that is all that should matter yes

I’ve met a lot nice people through LFG. 2 of them I play frequently with now ^^ But yes I’m sure finding a full stack is more of a challenge.