Do the Devs read the forums?

God I hope not

sorry… bad meme

Damn those flashbacks of Jeff saying he used to read Mercy megathread’s feedback are coming back stronger than ever…

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Of course they read the forums… that’s pretty obvious. I swear to god some of the things they put in the game are uncanny to some of the requests in the forums and other media.

They read the forums…and that’s why Mercy and Hanzo are OP and Hog is trash. Because they read these stupid forums

On the one hand, it is understandable that the devs do not want to sift through too much of the petty bickering or reveal too much (although they do still show off one or two items in development). As such, they tend to do the odd reveal and otherwise comment on harmless funny content for the most part.

On the other, there are a lack of feedback loops. Improve the PTR so it provides feedback, add in more polls, preferably also add in some sort of “trusted player” system (i.e. someone who provides logical reasons regardless of rank) for users who they take more serious feedback from, and hopefully some of these issues will be resolved (although not all; not while there is dissent amongst the community).

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Indeed the forums, but with exception to the Mercy megathreads :wink:. The ‘read posts’ stat of some official profiles show a strong indication that they don’t actively read the megathread(s), besides of which with the amount of posts there daily it would be hard for anyone to keep up with the discussion, it’s a mess in the megathread. I find it hard to keep up with the discussion in the megathread and I’m active on the forum daily :laughing:.

I feel it would be more organised and beneficial if we could possibly have forum categories for either each role (support, tank, damage) or alternatively each hero, then discussions about various aspects of a hero (such as Mercy) won’t all be stuck together and become messy or necessarily spam the ‘general’ forum category with repetitive threads (such as Brigitte not too long ago).



I’m not very reassured. Cause I’ve been trying to get a response for like 8 months now to no avail…


Haha naive question, havent you been paying attention? players take every single word the developers say as a promise and then get mad if they dont turn out as reality, the dangerous thing of discussing internal info is that it can change and people here have demonstrated over and over they cant handle that information with maturity, best to only talk about certain things then.

Response to what?
(20 characters)

I never expect a reply however with how busy you are “or should be at the office” I do find it hard to believe that you’re always reading the forums. These forums are WAY to active for you to do this.

If anything I bet other Blizzard employees that view the forums will notify you of various topic that they think you might want to check out.

I just made a post and I don’t expect any dev to view it. I at least got some things off my chest in the hopes they might.

  • Widowmaker bugfixes (specifically grappling hook)
  • Hitscan no-reg based on packet loss+no redundancy+camera recoil
  • Occlusion culling on FOV change and when peeking corners
  • Inconsistent map geometry for “stand-able” surfaces

With Hammond’s release with grappling claw, I thoroughly convinced Widow won’t get a grapple hook bugfix. Been trying for 8 months to re-escalate this to be a top priority but they never bite.

I mean, I doubt the devs are constantly scrolling through the forums as they have other things to do. But people with jobs similar to Tom ^ have more time and I bet read tons of posts. They just don’t have much say in how the game runs and what changes are to be made and more try to keep a safe and non-toxic community. Just because a staff doesn’t reply doesn’t mean anything.

This strongly reminds me of that spoof YouTube video of Jeff being made to say “The Eye of Kaplan now turns to Hanzo”.

I’ve been trying for over a year now for Bastion. All other F tier heroes have been or are being addressed and Bastion’s just sitting under the rug where he’s been swept to.

I feel ya. It’s been over a year for Widow too, it’s just been 8 months since I compiled a bunch of videos to have been allegedly sent to QA.

Under this rug, there’s a lot of dust bunnies here.

Oh those are quite specific reports, are you a game developer? out of curiousity can you point me to your thread with more detailed Info? Im curious about the WM hook bugs you found and what do you mean about the hitscan issues and camera recoil and with the fov culling xD

Well someone got


Above is the megathread in full which details bugs, issues, and inconveniences.

Hitscan bug

Hitscan has a particular netcode issue where the client does not double report aiming coordinates and fired shots for redundancy. This has to do with packet loss, and most other AAA FPS games have some sort of redundancy to ensure that a shot goes where you aimed – Overwatch doesn’t.

All of the information of your aiming coordinates, and weapon fired events, are sent on ONE singular packet (or just a small series of packets) and if that one packet gets dropped, the information isn’t saved. What’s supposed to happen is the information is duplicated and put in a resent packet… or sent across multiple packets to ensure the shot happened.

But Overwatch doesn’t have that. Instead, a post-processing camera animation for recoil actually changes the coordinates of your aim. If you’re aimed at someone’s head, and you fire, but a packet gets dropped, you’ll get the camera recoil animation to play out.

The resent packets will send mid-recoil animation, and have completely different aiming coordinates than when you originally fired, and cause your headshot to go high and miss completely.

The bug happens so fast that you usually require a slow-motion replay in order to see it properly. Tim Ford came out and explained this bug in detail in a blue post a while ago, and even promised a fix ASAP but nothing happened. The bug is still in the game.


Occlusion culling is a particular optimization issue that saves on system resources, by de-rendering objects that are hidden from line of sight. It keeps your framerate high.

But Overwatch has overaggressive occlusion culling, and enemies are one of those de-rendered objects. Rapidly peeking out from behind a corner causes the enemies to “pop in” to view, meaning they’re completely invisible for a frame.

The same happens when you scope in. It’s rare, but the same occlusion culling happens when you change FOVs, and it was supposed to have been fixed in a recent patch but it still happens.


Usually they only post on dumb threads or threads that suck up to them heavily.

Very rarely do they post on threads with hundreds of likes that showcase issues and, more often than not, their responses are clearly wrong [like a certain balance guy constantly saying that they think Sombra was going to be stronger with the obvious nerf, yet realizing they were wrong and reverting some of them].