If you’re making space in rural England and your team is stuck in Narnia being bullied by Mr Tumnus and that poisonous little beast Edmund then you’re not going to win the game
Honestly I have to admit, it’s harder for me to play with a Ball but I’m slowly learning how to capitalize on the space they make. Especially if the tank turns around to try to deal with him, I take that as an opening to move in and put pressure on them.
It’s a synergy I’m admittedly not used to, but I’m slowly learning how to play better with it. If my Wrecking Ball is getting in and out successfully, I know it’s not his fault if we lose or aren’t pushing well. It’s usually myself and the team not utilizing the space.
Thought you were GM and could carry on Ball? You were going on and on about how you’re so good at Ball in another thread, and then turned around and claimed you weren’t GM.
You need to stop acting like only you know how to play the game and everyone else has to play around you. That’s a good way to get yourself reported for sabotage.
I will say I do struggle playing with ball but I much rather play with ball then a doomfist as a support heck the good balls that are in coms even peel back to give me ult charge. While with doom it feels like im constantly on edge trying to pocket him through his plays Making sure he dosen’t die.
Heck even as ball the times where I don’t have to worry about you are a giving.
Now when they go sombra zen brig and you don’t switch like legit full counter that’s the only time I realistically struggle having a ball on my team but otherwise Im chilling.
Remember y’all there is a difference between a “Main” and a “one trick” these are 2 entirely different concepts.
Ok so I’m gonna say this for the last time, I’m not GM on Tank. Nor did I ever claim to be. Stop misinterpreting things on purpose, it’s only making you look dumb. I won’t respond again if you keep doing this.
Best advice ever given! Thx for this. The times during the match when I decide to “trade my death for one of theirs” is when I make the most mistakes! Get that kill, but do it smartly and live!!
You are correct, your team does not or did not understand ball…One of the main reasons I stopped playing him
You won’t respond because I can link where you said you were GM. “As a GM I know the game better than most.”
Then when pressured by not only me, you changed it to “I’m not GM on tank” and have tried to use that as a way to gas light and troll people.
Just stop, you can’t be taken seriously. You do nothing but lie about your rank so you think people will pay attention to what you say.
Simply put: Just don’t lie.
I feel like I’m gonna have to learn another Tank to rank up to a point I can even play Ball.
But like…Ball and Doom are the only actually fun Tanks.
Link where I said I was GM on Tank.
Check my profile. No one’s lying, you’re just incredibly antagonistic and that’s the entire reason no one on here likes having discussions with you.
I have in other threads, it’s when you said “I’M NOT GM ON TANK” after you got push back.
Tell yourself whatever you need to, just don’t sit there and act like people have to play around YOU, and insult them when they don’t. That’s this entire thread summed up.
If you need to rationalize that someone is antagonistic, because they refuse to let you sit there and talk down to people, that’s a personal problem.
If you lose the “It’s them, not me” mentality, you’d probably play better on Ball.
Right, so you link where I say I’m not GM on Tank to…show where I said I’m GM on Tank. Got it.
No one was insulted. And yeah, when one out of 5 is successful, the other four need to play around the one. That’s how you win.
I’m going to talk down to people when they say dumb things. As anyone should. You, on the other hand, are combative and antagonistic af when talking to ANYONE.
And if you stop being so antagonistic, you wouldn’t be considered a joke by everyone on these forums.
Welcome to the ball life. Low IQ players can’t stand him and love telling you how bad you are for not baby sitting them with a shield. It’s even worse now cause even if you climb high you’ll still get silver players boosted by blizz on your team.
No, when you’re abandoning your team because “I am disrupting! I am doing the thing!” and they die because of it, and then you act like “They don’t know how to play with a ball!”
Ever stop to think maybe YOU don’t know how to play with comps where Ball won’t work?
Someone is reaching hard. Sound a little upset. If this is how you respond to people on the forums, I can only imagine how you are in game. Digressing though, you’re making it obvious by your interactions here that you are probably the problem in your games.
Speaking for “everyone” is a good way to just get yourself laughed at. If you are going so far as to rationalize a pushback as “antagonisitic” then maybe you should spend some time off the forums and game.
You do this every single time you get resistance to your points with any one. You gas light, attack them, then claim they are the one causing problems.
Simply put: You’re a generic forum troll.
Abandoning my team to the Rein on his own? There’s no reason he should’ve won any of those fights, they were literally 1v4.
Right, so then I swap to Rein and we all get held at spawn because the rest of my team can’t even get past the Rein with no Supports or DPS. Try thinking, just a little bit.
I don’t join vc. So like, try again honey.
By who? I’ve seen your interactions on here and maybe five of them were positive.
A push back is not intentionally misinterpreting words to be disingenuous. A push back is not following people around through posts spewing literal bs and then dropping the argument entirely when you get proven wrong. You are antagonistic.
Right, because I definitely don’t try to have a constructive conversation with people before it devolves. Most discussions I’ve had on here started out incredibly positive. When it’s with someone who knows what they’re talking about and is respectful, it stays positive. Ever wondered why I talk so differently to Toast and Artisimo than anyone else on here? They’re competent and respectful, that’s why. I match people’s energy. So if I’m “causing problems”, you best look at yourself, because I don’t cause problems without a reason.
And you’re complaining about people NOT cooperating with your Ball? THEN JOIN VOICE AND USE CALL OUTS!
Ah here we go again, “I am a GM!” “But not on tank!” when multiple people pushed you on it.
Okay sir.
you may be doing well, or atleast so you think. but you’re not playing with your team and they aren’t in a position to exploit the space you created. its the problem with dive tanks, they create space but not often effectively while basically ditching they’re team and leaving them helpless. with only 1 tank Frontlining its kind of a must because there’s no 2nd tank to split the task with. in ow2 with only tank diving is kind of just Throwing.
He won’t accept this, but it’s the truth. Ball is highly dependent on a team actually following up on his dives, but when there is an enemy tank front lining them, with any support… Yeah
Not to mention Hanzo, Widow, Sojourn exists and sometimes the level of skill these players possess require a shield.
Let’s also not forget that swaps to Mei or Cass will FORCE you to switch.
I play with Ball all the time without being in vc and do just fine. Skill issue.
Will that help when the Rein is literally doing 1v4s and never losing? Saying “Hey the Rein is by you” isn’t going to stop them from killing him. So try again.
Ever heard of an exaggeration? Oh wait, you literally use them all the time. You’re just being obtuse on purpose.
I never said I was GM on Tank. You inferred it, and I corrected you. But then you ignored the correction and continued to infer the same things.
Link one time I caused a problem for no reason.
Ball is one of the strongest Tanks in the game. And the issue here is that they’re all dying to a single Tank while I’m keeping EVERYONE ELSE busy. Playing a Brawl Tank means that no one is kept busy, so that Rein, who was destroying 1v4s, now has Supports and DPS with him. Ball is the best pick there.
Not if I’m solo killing four people. Reading isn’t hard, you should really try it.
The DPS were never able to attack my team before dying to me. Read the post.
Which didn’t happen, so now you’re just bringing up unrelated topics. The point is that there is no reason to be losing a 4v1 while your Tank is killing four alone.
You’re the one who said you were speaking for everyone over and over. Hypocrisy is very very sad.
Rein getting any support can absolutely 1v4 a team, and you can only dive ONE person at a time. You aren’t doing much to help anything when your “disrupting” but leaving your team vulnerable to every form of CC, every form of damage including one shots.
You already stated that you only want to play Ball or Doom because they are the “most fun”. You’re already starting your argument off on a bad foot with that.
This entire thread is you trying to call everyone else out for not playing around your pick. If the common thing in your games you are losing is that you are on Ball or Doom… The problem is most likely you.
Press X to doubt.
I’m sure you’re dominating Cass, Mei, Hanzo, or Sojourn at the “Level” you claim.
Now you’ve literally outted yourself as a forum Ball. Not a real Ball player.
I’m going to just put you on mute now, you’ve clearly shown you have a serious lack of understanding of the game, Ball’s mechanics, and match ups between Ball and other heroes.
sounds like the only skill issue is you.
Bruh no way you just said that, he is one of the worst tanks in ow2 rn.
the issue is you’re not helping your team and diving in. if you instead swap to a front line tank and helped against the rein the team would be doing way better.
Not if your team is dying, using your brain isn’t hard, you should really try it.
oh they are, sure maybe in 1 match but in like 99% of the time they will get to your team no issue. and without a shield they will tear them apart.
yeah again in a few very specific matches not in general.
so its fine when you win a 1v4 but when you’re team losses its bad. make up your mind.