Do people dislike Paraíso, if so why?

The map is too green

i like how its bright and they havnt had a night version yet i think? i also like the lucio club part… the beat goes on

I just don’t like the first point and its the most important point because you are always going to have to play it.

I think it’s fine, not my favorite, about on par with hollywood.

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People are complaining about sightlines for paraiso? Have they tried capping 3rd point havannah, or 2nd point circuit royal? That last point on Havannah is the worst map design in the game, it is by far the hardest point to cap. Not even close.

Not saying Paraiso is perfect. I’d just take games there over the long range maps any day of the week.

Gibraltar also falls into the infinite highground map category. Not sure why this would impact what I said about Paraiso.

They’re unpopular maps because they’re imbalanced maps that make most of the cast unviable.

ever since they added the evening lighting i dread loading into the map even more

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It would go from a 4/10 to a 6/10 if every single wall in the map was not completely unusable for wallriding

I hate flashpoint and push with passion (I insta leave)
I dislike/tolerate some maps here and there
To be fair I think I only like like Kings Row.

I’m the same. I skip maps until I find one I like. Can take 2-3 mins but I’d rather spend that time than playing a full 10-15 minutes on a map I can’t stand.

Would be nice if they pulled Avoided Teammates up to be a tab under social instead of an extra click for managing avoids so as not to get put back into the game I just left.