Do omnics dream of electric sheep?

Makes you wonder if Zenyatta or Bastion have the equivalent of dreams.

Also if Reaper could eat the “Soul” of an Omnic, what is an omnic? Is it fully mechanical? Or is it a mechanical body encasing a biological brain?

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Reaper can’t eat the “soul” of Omnics because he also doesn’t eat the “soul” of humans.


I think there was a datamined Orisa line where she counted electric sheep

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Pretty sure there is an interaction between Orisa and Zenyatta, in which she says she does not dream as humans do, but wishes to be the Efi says she is.


I didn’t do it. Not my fault.

The title for this reminds me of an TF2 achievement for the scout.

well we know that omnics can die… so thats one thing.

Although it is a reference to Zhuangzi and his poem Butterfly Dream, Zennyatta has a quote could “confirm” this:

Zennyata: I dreamt I was a butterfly.

Also he has another interaction with Orisa who say omnics dream but they make it different from human beings:

Zenyatta: Do you have any dreams, my friend?
Orisa: I do not dream as humans do. But it is my desire to become the hero Efi believes that I am.

Also when they die, although their body can be repair they dont come back from the dead. I cant perfetly remember but i think in Tracer: Callin London the omnic said to Tracer that, contrarly humans, omnic cant multiplicate their number of members. Their numbers is decresing with every omnic deceaded.