Do Fortnite Fans See OW Players as “Rivals”?

I just find save the world more fun and intuitive over battle royal. But you are right the first “battle royal” I ever played was those weird minecraft hunger games(hated those too) and a Warcraft3 custom map themed around dodgeball which was actually fun.

I get that the entire, Minecraft invented battle royale’s meme was a thing but, the concept of fighting till only one survives has been around for decades.

Aye but we’re talking about video game trends and genres. Its a fair assessment to say fortnite pretty much copied pubg when the original game was not planned to be a battle royale, and the battle royale mode was added in response to pubg garnering heavy gaming attention at the time. They just made it so much less buggy and free so people flocked to it. Again thats also my personal opinion on why i loathe fortnite.
Also and I can’t stress it enough, there were founders packs that gave you stuff for a campaign, which they abandoned.
I am so glad i have an extreme adversion to “early Access passes” and “founders memberships”

Fortnite has a larger playerbase, it mostly consists of <15yolds, that´s why other gaming communities refer to Fortnite when someone shows childish behaviour.

OW-Devs tried to lure some Fortnite-Players with the design of Baptiste, who is a blatant Fortnite-character-ripp-off, therefore also called fortnite-guy.

I didn’t know anything about Fortnite. Like, I thought it was a “serious” game. Now I searched some images, and yeah, seems like a kid’s game. Now everything makes sense lol.

Fair enough, but I still think that the engine of fortnite itself made enough of a difference. Building alone made those games as different as black and white.

How is Baptiste a “fortnite guy”?

People used to use call of duty in a condescending tone too. Both these games are seen as no-skill shooters comprised of mostly children. Which is largely accurate.

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Are you saying all black people look the same?

(For real though God damn that is basically the same person)

What really made a difference is it was the first in the genre that actually worked while being FREE
Free is a big thing because many people can try it out since it costs some download time to play, instead of 60bucks.
People then hopped on the vibrant artstyle and new genre for a new experience.
That plus some luck made it big. They shoulda used those dollars to finish the campaign though.
Clarification, im not calling it a clone merely stating that its a crapfest pf greed and corporate scummery and thats why i dislike it.

I agree with finishing save the world, but it’s hardly fair to hate a game for good marketing.

Of course not, but they literally only changed his haircut, he has nearly the same uniform, scarf, even the same gun and pretty much the same face - i think it is pretty obvious where the “inspiration” came from :smiley:

Honestely, most kids don’t know about OW.

I never said i hate it for good marketing, i said i hate it for being a trend chasing free to pay psycological manipulation machine that went back on promises while sparking the worst trend in gaming since the removal of local co-op

This happened with H1Z1, too. That was a game with a lot of potential, and now we have no zombie apocalypse MMO. Which is too bad because I have some great ideas for one but no budget or programmers to make it a reality. But yes, H1Z1’s survival mode getting tanked for the sake of Battle Royale has left a sour taste in my mouth for the whole genre—especially after Fortnite did the same thing.

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I personally have fun with both games, even though I play Fortnite much less nowadays. I know what your talking about though, I see Fortnite used in an insulting way in this game too.

I can’t like this enough. Im fine with new genres, but dont sacrifice unique games for the sake of oooh look shiny trend. Broken promises and games changing types after release are just… Ew.

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And funny thing is people seems to forget or starting to forget OW existed, if you mention OW in the other gaming forums youll met with a comment like

“People still play that game?”
“Is that game still good/relevant?”
“I heard the game become worse”


Yeah but it’s a very different kind of skill

That game rewards your ability to build over just using the environment, and that gives weapons unique utilities (rocket launchers are great for destroying builds, grenades can be angled into builds, etc)

But that’s why I ultimately never got into it, and why many people talk trash on it, I don’t want to spend the majority of a fight trying to out build another player, and I especially don’t want to lose to someone who has worse aim than me but is much better at building.

I see why people find it fun but for me it’s just not.