Do devs consider Pharah's rebalance successful?

I’m not going to call it a rework because it simply tweaked her numbers, no new skills or animations or graphics etc. It’s been a little bit since then and I’m just wondering if devs consider it successful or if they plan on making additional adjustments to Pharah.

Every one will have their opinion on it and as a Pharah main myself, I feel it bittersweet. Its a massive nerf to fighting medium/long range and a tiny buff to divebombing, so much of a nerf that you kinda feel forced to dive every single squishy you are fighting or else you won’t be getting any kills, which means you need an escape plan every time, which means you gotta wait for boop and shiftboost to be off c/d before you dive every time.

Its not a huge problem for someone like me who’s played her as a divebomber since launch, but it does get tiring to play every encounter like that.

I am not too interested in staying far away and spamming rockets junkrat style into the general team fight. I honestly miss being able to kill squishies with 1 max splash and 1 direct hit…(now that doesn’t work anymore)

P.S. If devs ARE going to put some more changes for her on PTR, might I suggest…


Seriously, literally change anything about it so it’s not a suicide bomber press Q to respawn meme ult where you gotta pre-plan to die because you won’t survive through it 90% of the time :roll_eyes:


I think it was. They wanted to buff her without buffing her impact in the lower bracket.


I consider it as a buff tbh , even tho im not a pharah main i used to , and i quite like these changes they fit my playstyle

I still see Pharmercy being used in every game so for me it wasn’t.

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Pharmercy will always exist as long as Mercy can guardian angel to people, it’s just easy to see how that synergizes with Pharah so there’s nothing they could do apart from saying ‘mercy can GA to everyone except Pharah’ which would just be cruel and unfair since Mercy is 1 of 3 healers who can even heal Pharah properly as it is

Yeah but I am pretty sure that is what they were aiming for - to make her less of a threat in the hands of bad players. Before this mercy also got her healing cut down as well.

I feel like these changes just made her even more of an issue in lower ranks and barley changed her at all in the higher ranks.
She seriously needs an actual buff though.
Perfably something to where she doesn’t have her death bound to her ult


I feel like they’d need to pull power from everwhere else to do such a big change unfortunately :frowning: , but i’d love to be able to hit Q and actually live to see another health pack.


I honstly don’t think it did much of anything
I don’t think it’s either a buff or nerf

I would accept cutting Barrage’s damage in half if it meant you could cancel it early or move while using, I’d accept that in a nanosecond

Given it’s only been a week, I think it’s too early to call.

This. It’s way too early and people are still adjusting to it.

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I’m still getting used to these changes but they feel pretty solid. only thing I would change with her now is her hover, with the way they’re leaning Pharah’s playstyle to I wouldn’t mind losing forever flight for a more quicker and agile hover. Possibly recharge quicker but also drain quicker and increase speed a tad bit. Aside from coming from spawn I never see myself flying high and for long periods of time. Pharah would be like launch pharah where you could fly around for a long while but eventually have to land.

I think they were good changes. They stopped the bs that was her splash damage, and made her more skill reliant.

Seems successful to me. She feels a lot stronger than before when I play her. The “sit across the map and mindlessly spam rockets” style was something I was never really willing to do, and she’s much better at the more aggressive plays now.

The need for direct hits helps a lot from both sides, as well. Playing as her, I actually normally go for direct hits now, whereas before I would more often shoot at the feet for the guaranteed high damage (If it hit the feet directly, great, and if not, still great). Playing against her, dodging a rocket finally seems relevant, since I’m not just going to die to her next miss.

They could fix it by either making it so you cant GA to the same person twice within a period of time, or by fixing her glide so that the longer she stays airborne, the faster she begins to fall after each GA until she just falls without glide.

So if she were following her Soldier (full sprinting) out of spawn and GA’s to him once, she’d have to be left behind while he kept running? Or would he stop running and they play a dumb game of rubberbanding? :joy:

It has really hurt my Pharah game, since I don’t divebomb. I’ve had games lately where I picked her and didn’t get even a single kill.

Other times when they’ve nerfed a hero (Doomfist, Genji, D.Va, etc.) I’ve still been able to play that hero and at least manage to trade kills. This is different. This has actually got me wondering if I should still pick her at all if I want to do well.

HOPEFULLY I’ll get better at landing direct hits or learn the art of divebombing, but if not, then I’ll be sad to have to abandon my main in favour of somebody more reliable.

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I feel you, the immediate first match I played the new Pharah, I noticed my accuracy plummeted. I usually average 50-53% accuracy but since update, you’re kinda encouraged to spam due to faster RoF, so I average 40-45% now, it’s so sad, I worked for so long to have amazing accuracy (I’m in top 5% of all players according to masteroverwatch, and I know that site isn’t valid anymore but I’ve been in top 5% for the past 300 hours on her, I check religiously)

You’re gonna have to learn stealth divebombing I’m afraid. Since you can no longer chain splash to kill, can no longer do 1 max splash+1 direct to kill, you GOTTA do two directs to kill and that means being right on top of your target.

Just always have shift and E available when you go in, so it can be your escape plan, you’re gonna need it every single time, can’t hang out in the middle of the enemy team

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I think it’s successful. It’s way more technical and i love it. Not just spamming rockets from a distance. Knowing when to dive bomb and when not to, faster rate and better CC, it’s fun as hell.