Discovering Stone Anthony

  • Ashe: Stone Anthony says you still owe him five hundred dollars for that weekend in Tucson.
  • Cassidy: He’s welcome to come collect.
  • Ashe: Seems to think you’re going to shoot him dead if he does.
  • Cassidy: Must not want it that bad, then.
  • Junkrat killing Cassidy: Stone Anthony sends his regards.

Initially I didn’t think this character was relevant until I heard Junkrat mention him again with Cassidy. At this point I think it’s interesting to speculate about the identity of this character. it is curious that there is someone related to both Junkrat and Cassidy / Ashe.


Oh, didn’t know about the elim line. I’d say with the repeat mention and no apparent connection to side lore (he’s not from the deadlock gang novel, right?), he’s being set up with intention. Right now it seems more like an underworld contact or broker than anyone set for a full character, but who knows.

Similar characters who are mentioned rather significantly in voicelines are Burnes (ex-Overwatch deep agent who went from feigning being a gambler in Monte Carlo to being a real gambler when she discovered a knack for it, mentioned in location specific lines from Soldier and a Soldier-Sojourn interaction) and Hypatia (previously established rebel ape who is mentioned as important in a pretty loaded way in a Winston-Wrecking Ball interaction).

Nope. He is not one of the founders of the Deadlock Gang. However, has since united the gangs of the Southwest. Stone Anthony could be the head of a different organization.

Crazy speculation :

Since the Junkerqueen real name is Odessa “Dez” Stone, they are related, and that’s why Junkrat mention him by name. He may be known both in Junkertown and somewhere in the Midwest.

Or maybe… Stone Anthony IS Junker Queen