Disappearing Pulse Bombs, Blizzards, etc

Oh good… so that wasn’t just me… Cause this just happened to me the other night in King’s Row

Sombra Hack is still benefitted by ping. Especially EMP, as it’s much harder to react to. Even if your ability goes off and it isn’t interruptible, it will get cancelled if the Sombra didn’t see it go off beforehand.

It’s a fair mechanic that’s intrinsic to favor the shooter.

Tracer’s ultimate has a cast because getting stuck is near instant due to its close range nature, and many heroes can’t escape a stick on their own.

Mei’s ultimate has a cast to allow players unable to escape the AoE a chance to outplay her. That being said, it’s probably too high given that D.Va players can simply react and eat the ability for free.

Zarya doesn’t have that cast because it isn’t instant and it isn’t nearly as deadly if you’re hit. Pulse Bomb in near guaranteed death if you’re not a tank and you don’t have a type of invulnerability, and Blizzard is a long stun that leaves you completely open to free shots. While Graviton leaves you immobile, you can still use (non-movement) abilities to protect yourself.

How would you propose sending a server information it never received due to lag then? If an event started on your side but the server never saw it how would you fix that?

I think I remember something about them increasing the polling update rate for Hack.

Wonder if they could do the same for Mei/Tracer.

What was the context of that?

Basically give Mei/Tracer Ult a temporarily boosted tickrate while casting.

That way, lag has less of an impact.

Assuming the Mei/Tracer player isn’t the one lagging.

No, I mean in what context did they up the tickrate? If it was to stop Hack from doing through when it shouldn’t, that probably won’t help if you add it to Blizzard.

Trying to find it. But it was mentioned when they removed the 0.1sec grace period on hack.

I’ve seen, had, and been ‘stuck’ with Pulse’s that have ‘fallen off’ for lack of a better term due to the funky cast time / lag interaction. There needs to be some sort of change if things like that are happening.

Already a high number of characters can deal with Mei’s ult well - like old Zarya grav. Having it like it is just feels awful to use Mei’s ult unless you’re going to wing it halfway across the map. It’s a crap shoot as to if it’ll go off.

Zaryas isn’t as deadly, no, but it’s equally CC (actually, Zaryas is better in the CC department) than Mei’s. It’s still a launched ult, so we know they can do it, or something similar to other ults. There’s no reason for Mei and Tracer to be quite as punishing as they are. Some what punishing sure, but it’s a little over the top.

Well there is some serios problem with the latency isn’t it the window’s are way to big otherwise such bugs would not happen:

That was probably for LoS issues then, completely different discussion.

As a Mei main I feel your pain… too many times I throw a Snowball out, and … nothing, and D.va DM either… i’m like WTF!!!

The context was essentially a hack victim had way less time than 0.65sec to react to hack, when you factored in lag, and breaking LOS at 0.55sec still completing the hack.

If someone throws a bomb at you in real life, and you kill them before it goes off, IT STILL GOES OFF. Either refund part of the ult charge, or make the bomb explode.

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Well, it was talking about LoS check update rates.

Although it wouldn’t make much sense unless they also paired that with a “Favor the projectile Ult” netcode rule.

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Wow. Projectile ultimates definitely needs that.

I think interrupting ultimates should cause different reactions - for example, in some games, if you stun an enemy with a charge-up explosive attack, the grenade/bomb/whatever will explode at their feet/in their weapon/hand.

So, stunning a mei would cause the snowball to drop at her feet, or cause tracer to blow herself up (and possibly even hurting others). I feel like this would be an adequate drawback.

The problem is that it wouldn’t help if it still favors the stun.

But it would make “Favor the projectile Ult” more fair to those canceling the Ult.

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If other heroes have to endure their ults being lost for the dumbest, unpredictable-est reasons, then this seems fair.

Don’t earthshatter when Mccree is 3ft in front of you with his flashbang up.
Don’t throw a pulsebomb or blizzard when Mccree is 3ft in front of you with his flashbang up.
Same with other ult-stopping scenarios.

It’s frustrating and feels like you get gipped when you lose your ult though. Especially since 90% of the time it’s just cooincidental accident, and not actually player’s reacting to the ult. But I can think of worse solutions.

The world’s Reins feel your pain.

yes but rein’s and tracer ults work different ways