Her new turrets have a slow deployment speed (due to slow projectile speed) and retain low HP that can be easily destroyed by any hero. people will literally just track the turret and pop it before its setup completes. They are even thinking of making it so people can shoot it down out of the sky as it flies to its destination.
Her new Orb may be 3x faster, but still be one of the slowest projectiles in the game. Unless the enemy is unaware it will continue to be easy to dodge and near useless.
And if her primary is only for “last line of defense” then she is useless on attack AND defense. Because the enemy will pop her from range with ease, with her being unable to do anything in return.
Even with the new teleport if she tries to use it to disengage she will die like Reaper does. If she tries to use it to engage she will die like Reaper does. It is basically Reaper’s Shadow Step only team mates can use it.
I personally wouldn’t be too worried about losing damage due to bad aim, because the changes include a huge buff to her DPS. Obviously we can’t say for sure, but I would think you’ll be able to match her current DPS with relative ease with her new gun because it does more damage in general.
You will almost certainly lose engagements that you could’ve won if you’d aimed better, but you can’t be hard on yourself over it. Everybody loses fights now and again due to insufficient aim.
If her teleports now are anything to go by, it will be very fast and will probably be setup before she engages, so I seriously doubt it will end up like Reaper.
They’ll be slower but they’ll be able to come from much less predictable angles.
Since her team is always going to be with her now in a much bigger way, she should also be seldom caught out alone.
I think her turrets are gonna be much better at helping her finish off targets then you realize.
Kris, I can definitely relate to your conflict with the ‘new’ Symmetra beam (praying that they give her lock-on back tbh). I have carpal tunnel and it just…hurts to play heroes who require a lot of aim. Even on a controller my carpal tunnel will still act up if I dare use a hero who is based around aim, like Widowmaker. I can aim just fine, but damn if it doesn’t hurt.
I know people keep saying “thick beam”, but what does that imply? Is it a soft lock on like Moira or is it more like a Zarya beam? Not much to go off of when someone says “thick beam” aside from that…a thick beam.
This was my thought exactly. On top of people being too wary to even use it because of the griefing potential. I foresee that the levels of coordination that it will require to make useful plays only exist at the highest levels of play.
The issue is that’s all any of us have to go off of for now. Though the way it was described made it seem like a beam larger than Zarya’s otherwise I think they would have just compared it to her beam size directly.
I like Symmetra’s strategic elements, that’s why she’s my favorite character. I think some of that has been lost in the changes, but we’ll see.
I abolsutely think we should have more strategic characters that don’t necessarily require aiming their weapon to be useful and interesting to play, so I’d love to see more characters like her in the game, particularly ones that reward strategy and thinking rather than aim skills. More interesting characters that people with disabilities can play and find rewarding.
I also agree that her primary weapon didn’t need much changing if they increased her utility in other areas.
But since they’ve moved her to defense… she needs to be doing damage. I still don’t know how well she fits that role, she was definitely a support to me, but we’ll see how she plays.
FYI Sym was not about tracking either… you wanna know what tracking is? look at how soldier 76 works. thats what tracking is. what sym was doing is basically aimbot. not aiming, not even tracking
The quick answer to this is that she shouldn’t find herself in this scenario. Obviously there will be times that a sym player is caught out of place or a team has lost their tanks and the sym is now being cornered but besides that the sym with the current setup shouldn’t find themselves in a 1v1 in close combat against another player. the best place I could see a sym setup with this new build is directly behind an Orisa or Rein.
If she’s behind them then she really doesn’t need that primary fire because she has her team with her and they can make up for her lack of damage in other ways, since they’d be bringing her more for her utility than her damage.
And if the enemy managed to close in on them, her current weapon would likely be a better choice because it’s more consistent.
if you are disabled… dont worry, there are many characters in overwatch who require no aim. after all this is overwatch, the game where skill doesnt matter. the game which is termed FPS just because it is a Moba in 3D. its almost as if the one characteristic that defines an FPS (aim) has been removed. you dont need to waste 1000 of hours perfecting your aim when no skill characters are just as good
well… ya. She’s going to be a major impact against shield characters now. The enemy team shouldn’t be able to get that close without running a dive setup. If the enemy team is walking a Rein shield up to a choke point the new Sym primary fire will take that shield down in no time making their push stall completely. She should also be able to burn through an Orisa shield making pirate ship a permanently dead strat if it wasn’t already.
A preplaced teleporter will be figured out very quickly when used in that manner. She would get 1 maybe 2 kills on unaware enemies and then after that it will get popped, assuming it does not time out first. And if the timer is short enough then she will likely give away its position and then it will be camped… like Reaper’s Shadow Step.
Given the card Goodman teased with before of 6% turret uptime for his 31 people teleported its going to be a very short duration teleporter.
The turrets may come from less predictable angles, but once they fire they give away their position and then get popped. Then we come back to the problem of attempting to replace them will only keep them popped. The only thing a Symmetra would be able to do is what she can do now: fall back and try to setup along the route. Disengaging from the fight and no longer being of use.
And if she is with her team then she is not lending damage, ultimately making her team operate on a native man disadvantage and would be crushed by the enemy due to their superior long range capabilities. You wont win the shield war, and Symmetra would have to leave her own team’s shield to try to help with the shield war and get herself popped in the process.
All of Symmetra’s core problems stem from the fact she cannot help her team with a melee range weapon and no instant mobility to shift around the battlefield quickly or inherent durability to withstand getting into that range.
Her weapon is what relegates her to being a troll pick. And people have for a long time refused to accept the primary fire being changed when its necessary to make her viable. Some I think because they would rather not have symmetra be viable in the first place, like a lot of people did not want Mei to be viable. Like a number of pros did not want Mercy to be viable above plat.
I think the D.Va bomb through teleporter thing will be a very short term novelty before its basically useless due to where it has to be positioned to work.
Teleporter rip-tires however would be far more reliable, assuming the teleporter does not get spotted first.
And her utility post rework would still not be good enough if she was melee range. However she will be viable with the new weapon due to its greater range which lends itself to helping win the shield war as it has infinite ammo against shields and builds up to doing 195 DPS. Which will really help melt shields from behind her allies shields.
And due to its greater range she will be able to charge up her ult more often which allows her to greatly shape the battlefield more regularly. Compared to at current where melee range symmetra is useless without her ult because she is melee range.