⚠️ Disabled Competive

Do we still earn comp points in Role Queue Beta even though it’s supposed to be over?

I smell a profit


Genji is dissapointed…

Initiate Mada Mada spam next to the point

But don’t touch point, thats illegal


Waiting for Comp


So did anyone else watch Good Boys yet, because I watched it today, and man oh man, it’s one of the funniest movies I’ve seen so far.

The system was working. Matches were happening. SRs were being assigned. It was just working in an unexpected way. Does that sound like a typo, or someone not knowing what effect a change he made would have?

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omg pls. I’m 40cp away from my next golden gun

So I have some more time to grind to diamond, nice


Not another week - most likely what they will do now is launch this on Tuesday alongside the QP going to 2-2-2. Funny how each “launch” has a major bug… I still think this is just experimentation to get data…

they weren;t being respected because you did that on purpose trying to do an MMR reset. you didn’t realize that it would have unintended results that would destroy your pyramid scheme.

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I honestly would prefer the glitched comp over beta rollback… i would love to take turns geting stomped by gm or stomping on sub plats


Competitive is back up appearently

Half of this thread btw

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This is what happens when you don’t release comp with quick play. Just curious about the Comp Points for Beta until Tuesday.

Its beta season again

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Beta comp, not season 18 - they rolled it back while they fix the bug

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it was OK. Not Superbad levels, but OK. Surprisingly decent acting from the kids, though.

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welp… there goes my excitement to grind out tomorrow before going on vacation for a week. This is a sorry mistake in development and testing, especially after a >2 week beta. Need QA analysts?

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You gotta wonder the reasoning on releasing this not only on a Saturday, but on a holiday weekend for Blizzard HQ. There’s got to be a skeleton staff there right now running around in a panic.


Ya act like every video game ever made is perfect and that bugs don’t exist. I promise, it isn’t the end of the world.