Disable comp now! :/ unable to move bug

Theres a huge bug where you cant move at the start of the game, getting you kicked from your match for inactivity, a lot of people are reporting this in your bug report forums, but still this bug have not been recognized by blizzard, people get banned and lose sr because of this and it needs to be fixed asap, so my advice is, RECOGNIZE THE BUG, disable comp for the few hours u need to fix it.


Were you opening lootboxes as you joined the match? There have been reports of it causing the bug.

I have not been thru this myself, but my friends yes they opened lootboxes before the match, i know that causes the bug 100% but there seems to be people getting it without opening a lootbox aswell, i just simply dont dare to play comp untill this bug is fixed, whenever that will be

Unless it’s affecting thousands it’s not worth disabling comp over. Plus, who knows how long it will take to fix, could be a few hours could be days or weeks depending on how quickly they find the cause and how easy it is to fix.

I’ve yet to see it in any of my games and I’d rather they didn’t disable comp.

My friends played comp during the night, they didnt get a single game in because there where always someone “leaving” due to unable to move, there would be 1-3 people on eatch team unable to move, they gave up after 1 and a half hour of cancelled games

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This didn’t fix it?

Nope! :slight_smile: people reporting the issue in this very moment still spamming the bug report part of the forums with it ^^ its still in the game They have a thread with recognized bugs from yesterdays patch, and this bug is not one of them. so it seems they dont even know about it, aka not reading their forums :confused:

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Yes, it’s a thing. A friend of mine opened a loot box prior to joining (QP thankfully) and he couldn’t move. We had to leave the game.

Damn, I thought this bug was fixed. Well, I’ll avoid opening loot boxes while in a queue I guess :stuck_out_tongue:.

still not recognized as a bug, come on

This happened to me earlier today. Wasn’t sure what even happened and unfortunately this was during a comp match. At least I realized it quickly and left so the match got cancelled and i’m the only one who lost SR.

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Happened to a friend in a QP match, I just thought maybe his controller was dead, but then how would I be able to hear him say he can’t move when his headset is plugged into the controller.

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My friend got affected by this bug while we were going into Junkenstein’s Revenge so it can happen in any gamemode. I’d suggest posting this on the Bug Report forum.

yes it can happen in any game mode, but in the other ones u dont lose 50 sr because of it. It is posted everyone on the bug report forum, but blizzard still dont seem to aknowledge this bug and fix it, they have a thread with all the bugs people have reported that they “know” of and will fix asap, this is not one of them, and the forums are full with threads on it

Worse is that it won’t be fixed on consoles for a little while.

Guess I’ll just skip doing my placements this season.

Oh so that’s why every game there was a leaver. Blizz get to work. Also fix Sombra’s hack sound bug and infinite overtime ty.

i kinda hoped this was fixed by the small patch yesterday…it still isn’t?
(i didn’t have this happen but i had a black screen bug in junkenstein tho…idk if that’s as common)

Nope happened to me a couple hours after it dropped.

awesome -_-
[not like i was planning on playing comp anyway but still]…
hope it gets fixed soon :confused:

just FYI…i just had a patch and it should be fixed now :slight_smile:

h ttps://imgur.com/aHoMM2Z