Director's Take: Balancing Heroes and Matchmaking

What do you mean “we don’t know”?

The devs specifically said they want to nerf her mobility both in the patch notes and in a live stream, and that’s what they did. If they wanted to just straight nerf her survivability they wouldn’t have given her a buff to help her survive (the in combat healing she now has)

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You know there is a problem when all the things said in the first post contradicts completely with how the game feels playing.

Also how about making data available at all times so people don’t have to rely on overbuff for balance statistics?


The majority of the thread about match making and balance being held hostage by mercy.

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Well, expecting Kiriko and Moira buffs in mid-season patch. :smile:

Ive explained my point in another reply. In certain cases she lost survivability and in certan cases she got insane one. It hit players differently, someone enjoy changes and someone cant play her anymore because she is not fun in certan situations

Nice summary. Mostly obvious and superficial stuff. Staying the course moving into S4.
I guess, A for effort and nother A for Aaron…but to earn that AAA you need to address the aim-assisted noreg hitbox inconsistent crossplay lobbies.

They don’t want the playerbase to make picks based on win rates

They already do that anyway. may as well just provide accurate information.


Then they should stop bringing it up

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I read your reply, it still doesn’t make sense why you think we don’t know what they wanted to nerf, we do. They specifically said they wanted to nerf her mobility and that’s what they did. Whether or not she’s more or less survivable as a result is a different discussion, but we know what the goal was. That’s my point.

Tell them you want less communication then

100% sums up what the general consent is. The forum hates to hear it, but S3 is the best balanced season by far (even when comparing to OW1).

Great to hear that they working on the match maker and changing things. Maybe I will hope into comp after the mid season patch again.

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Blizzard employee detected.


They didn’t say – battle mercy no more . They didnt said that 1v1 is death sentence for her. They didn’t say that flying is not safe for her anymore. And this exactly what happened and for some players (like myself) this things were very enjoyable and this players keep telling that she is not fun anymore. Pocket Mercys are fine and happy more than ever .

But… Then players could have relevant balance discussions too,
such madness…

MADNESS I tellz ya!

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Riot employee detected.

“Prior to Season 3, the worst 5% of Grand Master level matches would have players 7 divisions apart, the equivalent of Gold 3 to Silver 5. When we initially shipped 2.3 this leaped to 12 divisions apart or greater. We have made numerous changes since then, and are making changes almost daily, and this has now been reduced to 9 divisions.”

The only reason you would do this is because of money! You wanted the fastest games you could get and sacrificed fair matchmaking because of this. Shorter games and faster matchmaking mean more players buying Battle Passes to get those skins. Who’s going to buy a Battle pass if they only play two competitive games in a hour. You’ve ruined the games competitive nature for greed, so you’ve lost your dignity as a game designer. We don’t trust anything you have to say.

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Microsoft employee detected.


Probably for the best. Some people are about as dafted as they come. No names need to be mentioned.

Pro tip: if you block him he’ll just talk to himself. :open_mouth:

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This is the best balance. Mercy needed a nerf and she finally got one even though it wasn’t rez or damage boost being removed we take this win, GA nerf is beautiful.

Tanks are finally balanced, same with dps. They got Tracers damage right, nerfed Widow/ Sojourn, Junkrats no skill mine combo.