Director’s Take – Tricks, Tweaks, and Treats for Season 13

Director’s Take – Tricks, Tweaks, and Treats for Season 13

Aaron Keller is back with a look to what spooky surprises are in store for Overwatch 2 Season 13: Spellbinders

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“changes to Brig”

Its nerfs isnt it? The least played support.

I knew she would not be allowed to be as strong as Ana, Kiriko, and Lucio.

I’m so happy to see this new update!

I was overjoyed to hear from outside sources that Overwatch will be coming to mobile at some point!

Is there any news on when we can expect it?


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all the brig nerf is is repair packs cooldown increasing from 5s to 5.5s. nothing too bad.

How do you know this?

When Lucio had a higher win rate and pick rate than Brig has now, they buffed him

cool, that doesn’t mean brig isnt really strong lol

I guess this is the legit post

Please bring back competitive mystery hero’s

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Do you think the fact you’re constantly adjusting sojorn back and forth just means… well her design is just a bit flawed? well, either way… i actually thought sojourn was in a good place already. Very strong if you’re good with her and medicore when you arent. which is where a skill character should be… disruptor was fine.

then ovciously sombra is also having the going back and forth… i guess we’ll see how it goes.

why you want mauga to be back i have no idea. leave it alone. burning for free is stupid.
the ram change of not going through barriers is good. that should never have been a thing to begin with. but 2.5 dmg to them? hmm…

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Because she’s too good paired with Juno and is meta, but no Juno nerfs… haha.

Edit: Yeah, they will nerf Juno, and make some tweak on Bap. So tiresome.

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This is certainly… Something… Are they running out of a ideas and not listening to their players? I was also hoping to hear some more news on 6v6 returning…

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its just back and forth of the same thing constantly.

lemme guess, they are gonna change headshot on orisa when she fortifies again? :joy: