Hero Designer Alec Dawson reflects on the past season for hero balance and previews upcoming changes for Overwatch 2
stop writing and start using the experimental. and for the love of god nerf supports.
i love how we’ve been discussing this blog since like an hour before it appears on here
Imagine removing one of OW1 most useful feature: Experimental mode.
Reaper rework when?!?
Hmm yet another blog with nothing of substance
All these “Director’s Take” are probably being done with ChatGPT AI, all talk but no action.
I admit I’m pretty excited to see what these reworks are like. It’s almost like getting a partial new hero
I agree with everyone else that I miss experimental mode though. Maybe the PTR could be brought back instead?
Roadhog is currently undergoing the finishing touches that will release with his rework in Season 7’s Midseason Patch. Our broad goals for his rework are as follows:
Increase his ability to protect his team and claim space
Maintain his overall identity and playstyle
**Move some of his power around so that his effectiveness isn’t so tied to his one-shot potential**
Does that mean they gonna nerf his combo even more? In addition to the new ability?
Or they simply add the new ability on top of how he is right now?
Probably adding gas that heals his team or something. I doubt his rework will be a rework.
If this means that we can now throw his breather can (like Ana) to heal teammates then im ok with it.
Hopefully it’s closer to thr latter. I am going to guess he will get multiple uses of his hook and perhaps buffs to his take a breather for team utility.
That’s my guess anyways for their stayed goals. I could also see a change to his ult but no clue what that would look like.
Yeah, that certain bit caught my eye too because they’ve already done that.
So I’m not sure why it’s on the “goals” unless it’s just to reinforce that whatever is coming up isn’t tied to dealing damage.
Idk what the problem is there were some interesting things in this. Not every blog is going to be ground breaking.
Remember when we used to complain about zero communication?
I hope they bring back experimental though.
They could have done so much more with it in OW1 even.
Why is my main emotion surrounding everything in this game that of unmet potential.
They’re reverting Mei? She’s gonna do 100 dps with her primary again?
Heeeeeeeeeey buddy!
lets have a chat!
Hop on over to STEAM REVIEWS and take a nice look at the 188,000 REVIEWS of how mad players are about Overwatch “2”.
We dont dislike any specific person, we just want our game back.
^ Sad kitty wants Overwatch 1 back from 2016.
Blizzard 4 life.
For the Horde!
(Storms off to Goldshire inn ). …
and what happens to the old identity of the changed hero? oh right…
If we could get back 2016 OW…well that would just be swell.