Our balance goal for the release of Illari was to make sure that she felt strong (but not overpowered!) at launch. I think we hit that goal.
If that’s your honest opinion, I should just quit the game now as there’s no hope.
Our balance goal for the release of Illari was to make sure that she felt strong (but not overpowered!) at launch. I think we hit that goal.
If that’s your honest opinion, I should just quit the game now as there’s no hope.
If we can’t turn back the clock, then what can we do? We can keep adding to and improving Overwatch 2. That is how we move forward. This means more maps, heroes, game modes, missions, stories, events, cool cosmetics, and features - an ever-expanding, evolving, and improving game.
The cosmetics are cool yes but can we earn a shop legendary a bit more often than every 8 months if you grind every weekly?
If we can’t turn back the clock, then what can we do? We can keep adding to and improving Overwatch 2. That is how we move forward.
That part to means more like you honestly don’t give a single damn any of us have said. Glad I uninstalled when they announced no pve
I read the whole thing, he says that they read the feedback and in the same post, they want more feedback for flashpoint, it’s literally everywhere…
This whole blogpost is really insulting.
You clearly did not spend 3 seasons or more shooting at 2 shields hoping theirs cracked sooner and your hanzo hits a baptiste or zenyatta in the head.
He really should have listed the top feedback they’ve received so far or something. Other than the area of changes Illari is receiving… this blog is SUPER empty. So many words to say “we’re reacting to things.”
Season 3 balance was far superior to whatever this mess of a season is imo
It felt like everything was mostly playable. Before we got hinder-nade. Before they unnecessarily buffed 76. Before Lw. Before orisa was giga buffed in the wrong areas. Its Unfortunate that season 3 broke matchmaking and ranked otherwise it would have been an outstanding season. They still havent fixed anything they broke in season 3 either and its just gotten worse because they purposely ignored it
I think we are on the cusp of the most broken state Overwatch has ever been in. Healing numbers are at their highest, damage is at its highest, mitigation abilities have never been stronger.
The game is slowly devolving into nothing ever dying with all the insane healing being thrown around with the only way to get kills being extreme burst.
They are buffing damage heroes every patch to do more and more damage to keep up with the increased healing.
Tanks are struggling to absorb all the insane additional damage that is being added so they are having to rely on absorption abilities like ram block and defence matrix just to survive.
Issue is these abilities are making the sustain problem exponentially worse. Just when you start to finally get the enemy tank low, they pop their defensive ability and basically become invincible, absorbing all incoming damage for several seconds giving their supports enough time to heal them to full. And then its back to the beginning again
Why do you think anti nade is so powerful and also necessary right now? It cuts off the insane healing numbers. It stops tanks like ram from just getting low, hitting nemesis and blocking while he gets healed back to full. It actually allows you to kill stuff.
Then the best strategy becomes focusing the supports first so the healing is gone and the tank can actually die. Problem is, then supports feel trash to play because they just get dumpstered on at every second so they have to make supports able to hold their own and have crazy escape abilities like kiriko tp.
That then doubles down on the sustain issue cus nothing is still ever dying unless its from a widow or hanzo 1 shot. Heroes which people want to be nerfed. Why? Because they are the only heroes that kill them
more lies, empty promises and sweet words but not adressing the problems this game have, the negative steam reviews are not only for cancelling the pve aaron, dont ignore reality, you forgot to mention the story missions are a big scam and no worth the price
That and also reacting to ‘negative steam reviews’ and not being much bothered by it is quite the deal.
There’s literally a whole country who cannot play the game because of their actions, yet the main concern was ‘pve cancellation’ in the reviews. It’s more than that. They might wanna hire an analyst that can tell them facts.
You’re right,but they don’t read these forums anyway
The fact that they brushed of the steam review shows how blind arron is.
Granted we did review bomb it, but we did so for various reason, not just for the fun of it. They cant even accept that many people have issues with the game.
So annoying
“We’ve heard from many of our core players that the game is in the best state it’s ever been, and many have told us that it feels like we’re really listening to their feedback and that this season is a culmination of that. It’s so awesome to hear.”
Honestly, just F*** off with this whole article. The new Flashpoint game mode is just walking simulator like Push is. There’s no option to avoid queueing this game mode in the menu just like push, so if you don’t want to play it, too bad.
The fact that the only positive feedback about illari comes from streamers, shows how much they listen to the actual community and not just the people getting paid to play their game. No support should be strong enough to challenge both dps at once and win. 2 tapping headshots, another pushback ability, a turret with more hp than widow, like wtf is this.
“If we can’t turn back the clock, then what can we do?” You can reward players for playing your game instead of pricing skins at $25 EACH. This company has managed to ignore its die-hard fanbase, sellout for profit, and still some how have people continue to support the game. Actually insane
But don’t worry
Cool 19$ US cosmetics are coming in fresh and ready to be bought because here at Blizzard, we don’t value you, we value the money we amass for our wallet
We also launched on Steam last week, and, although being review-bombed isn’t a fun experience, it’s been great to see lots of new players jump into Overwatch 2 for the first time. Our goal with Overwatch 2 has been to make the game more accessible than ever for more people than ever before.
That’s not review-bomb Aaron, those are genuine opinion. Learn the difference!
Many of the reviews on Steam mention the cancellation of the much larger component of PvE that was announced in 2019 as one of their primary reasons for dissatisfaction with the game. I get that. That announcement was about an ambitious project that we ultimately couldn’t deliver.
Now you know why the Steam community are “review-bombing” your game.
If we can’t turn back the clock, then what can we do? We can keep adding to and improving Overwatch 2. That is how we move forward. This means more maps, heroes, game modes, missions, stories, events, cool cosmetics, and features - an ever-expanding, evolving, and improving game.
Yet you didn’t mention anything about the Hero Mastery Challenge. Something that you and your team been talking a lot during Season 5. What happened to Hero Mastery? What’s the progress?
they dont read anything, they always talk about listening to feedback but where is the feedback? they only listen to big youtubers, doesnt mean they will do anything with their complains
The devs aren’t the same people who caused that though.
There is just SO much to criticize about Overwatch 2, (like the fact that it was made into a sequel in the first place…). Literally a novel worth at this point.
But people are flat out yelling about the wrong stuff and expecting answers from people who have no control over that.
The devs who this blog post is representing are not the people who messed up the China blizzard game deal.
“We’ve heard from many of our core players that the game is in the best state it’s ever been, and many have told us that it feels like we’re really listening to their feedback and that this season is a culmination of that.”
Here’s some things I think could be improved on:
The recent review bomb is an accumulation of all the grievances of this game that are not addressed, and someone thinks we should appreciate the people who are the cause of it? The review bomb was also the only way to express these grievances because if you do that on the official forums, you could get punished for it. That only gives the grievances more validation.
We see the matchmaker being utterly trash, we see the balance team making boneheaded decision after boneheaded decision and we should APPRECIATE that? Laughable.
This whole dev team is just poor. The fact you have the audacity to brush off negative reviews on steam when some of the feedback is genuine and the whole ‘how can we move forwards if we look behind’ is a load of lies and copium. We need a director who actually cares and not one who lives in ignorant bliss.
Except it doesn’t really matter who did it… China is a massive huge chunk of players. Him not aknowledging furthermore than ‘pve cancellation’ as the main concern of the reviews and baffling it up to ‘we can,t go back, what can we do then’ is concerning.
I do know that Blizzard actually messed up the deal with NetEase, NetEase called them cheap for a 2-decades old parter. But these players have a valid excuse to be pissed off nonetheless and have a right to negatively review the game/company.