Ding Dong, the Witch Is Dead!

Well said. Spoken like a true hero of the forums. Now if only we can get the devs to read this along with the other reasons mercy HAS TO be reverted.

I’ll never give up the fight. Mercy must Rez herself and bring back mass rez


Easy fix:

  1. Revert Mercy to pre-rework state
  2. Remove Resurrect as it was.
  3. Enable Valkyrie, but with changes:
  • Does not grant flying, self-heal, chain-heal or anything else for that matter.
  • Has 3 charges of single-target resurrect with a range of 1-3 meters, on a .35 second casting time. No invincibility while using resurrect.

There. Now no more spontaneously resurrecting an entire team, no more Mothra, no more mass team heals/damage amp, no more hide-and-rez. No more rez on cooldown. She has to be actively involved in healing her team, and actively be supported by her team to get the most out of rez.

Seriously. Mercy players have been saying this since before day 1.

Give us back Mass Rez.

Let us have an ult.

Let us have our healing.


Dem narrator. Why spoil it?

I’m pretty glad that more people are realizing that these nerfs aren’t going to do anything to Mercy’s pickrates (at any large longterm scale).

As was mentioned many times before, unless she’s Reverted with mass rez, she will stay on top as the best healer in the game. Let’s see how long it will take before they realize that at the HQ.

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Ding dong as long as rez is an ability she will never be bad!

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Remove rez, give her a fun mobility E instead. Her lore and character identity was never based around Rez. It was only ever an in-game ult and now a skill. It’s not and never was core. Mercy would play no differently with it gone.

Right before the Mercy 2.0 general opinion of Mercy players was “Mercy is dead, Valkyrie (with 4x instant Res) is the worst ult in the game”.

we love a horrible, unprofessional, failed rework. :clap:

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Honestly? Even with a revert, people will still complain about Mercy and won’t stop until she’s practically non existent in this game, they might as well remove her entirely.

Which Old Witch?

(20 char)

Hey all,

Threads like these are non-constructive, and generally become a breeding ground for toxicity and negativity, so I’m going to go ahead and lock this one up now.

If you do have specific feedback for particular characters, you’re more than welcome to post it in a constructive manner. As always, please keep things civil and according to the Code of Conduct.


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