Difficult to climb as support

Gameleap actually has REALLY GOOD video guides and VOD reviews. Some of them are free, others you need to sub for. I did and honestly the 5 bucks/month is worth it because if you sit there and watch all the videos you can learn a buttload. All of their videos and vod reviews are done by top 500’s and pro players.

You can also send your own vods in to be reviewed.

They also have some clips of them reviewing their own gameplay in VODs where they explain their thought processes and why they are doing whatever it is they are doing at the time. This is really helpful.

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Thank you and great user name - The Last Apology is among my favorite books.

becasue the rating system is W/L only its a joke

Thank you for your time and posting a comment! I have similar frustrations with the SR and MMR system. I think it is opaque and too reliant on simple metrics; however, it is difficult to fully understand the function and/or algorithm the Dev Team uses to calculate both MMR and SR. But I would love clearer and more exact metrics to know what behavior is rewarded and what behavior is discouraged and perhaps a more robust system that can account for more than simple outcomes of games (that is Wins/Losses).

No, it’s not. Especially with the role-based SR.

I’m on average losing 10-13 SR when I lose… and gaining 26-30 when I win.
Earlier I lost 8 SR on a loss with Symmetra then gained 32 SR the next game when I won. No idea what I did other than a buttload of damage though.

There is definitely a huge difference now.

Key points: You want gold heals, high objective time (not necessarily gold), high assists, and very few deaths to min/max your losses/gains.

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I’m climbing with DPS Moira, healing will make your win and lose be random depending on your team, you can’t carry healing potatos, and the time when you lose by the randomness of a bad team will make you go down, you need to go DPS and carry/make useful picks at least, that’s it, to climb as healer you need to DPS, this at low ranks, I don’t know after it

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Wonderful insight, thank you!

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If you have a DPS Moira, you have a bad team.

Your tanks can’t make space because they’re dead. Your DPS can’t do DPS because the tanks can’t make space. Your other healer can’t do all the work and gets frustrated. You’re the reason I steal Moira asap. I don’t even want to play her, but I will to ensure that my tanks will actually survive.

You’re not climbing because you’re using DPS Moira. You’re climbing cause your other healer is carrying all your dead weight. If you want to DPS on a healer, play Zenyatta. He’s actually built for it.

If you can’t aim, practice.

Appreciate the time and comment! I’ll try being more balanced and perhaps focus on being more offensive when I play Moira.

Note: Fixed typographical error

If I see that the team is good I actually heal, but most of the time it’s not like that, in practice it’s really really really different, you’re already considering a nice team when you say that

Zenyatta lacks movement to be like Moira, you need to stay with your team, and your team in most of the cases doesn’t help

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Difficulty in climbing isn’t an issue with Role Queue. It’s an issue with Role Based SR.

Because it starts everyones MMR essentially at the level of their main role, you’re going to lose a LOT of games because of people playing their off-role, until they fall down to where they belong.

Realistically, this is what the next season (17? Or 18? I forget) is going to be like. Eventually it’ll settle down, as people either get better at their off-roles, stop queuing for off-roles, or they filter down to where they actually belong. But that may take a while.

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Thank you for the time and insight. I hope you’re right!

You should be healing anyway. You should learn how to weave DPS in between heal sprays, because even a crap Orisa still can put down a barrier, but not if she’s DEAD. Even a crap Ashe can ping a Pharah, but not if she’s DEAD.

Your damage should be about half of your healing in any given game. I average anywhere from 12k-18k heals and 6k-10k damage. If the game is very short, of course these numbers are lower. If at any point your damage is higher than your healing, you are doing it wrong.

Further, if your other healer is Zen, Ana, Lucio, or Mercy and you have silver heals, there is a big, big problem.

Yes, I agree that depending on the various scenarios there are many avenues that a support could go. And a good team is always beneficial. Thank you again for the input and time!

Then play Lúcio. He has quite a bit of damage potential, insane mobility, and the ability to peel for suicidal tanks.

ML7 is nice for educational support stuff

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You’re so polite. I imagine that’s not at all what you’re actually thinking though :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t be that nice, it’s just not in my dna.

Each role has it’s own problems.

Tank… basically it’s hard to learn what the right thing to do is, for example sometime people will blame you for doing the right thing because there is a fine line between feeding and making space on some tanks (like rein)

DPS… Can be the easiest or hardest thing to play depending on your team with bad tanks it’s very hard to play dps but sometime a tank needs a dps to help them make space.

Support… Really, the hardest thing about it is that your job is to enable 4 random people to win and well sometimes you’ll lose a game because you picked mercy for the phara that is bad or an ana for the rein that never pushes. Working this stuff out is hard.

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If u want to climb in the lower tier, stop playing healbot style. Make impact plays.

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Thank you for the comment. And I concur with your post!

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