Died in Immortality field

I died to an ulting Genji in the Field, I dropped it, Died and then my 2 surviving teamates were in the field so I know I was in it as well.

Unless there is a planned delay to kill people before it deploys???

It seems theres a short like half-second delay when throwing it down before it starts working, so i’m guessing that he killed you in that short break

Either that or you a) left the field by accident, or b) it was broken and you were just the targeted player by the genji

I was standing directly under it.

So you can still die in it … Why make something named Immortality field, if it’s, Almost immortality if you don’t die first …

And no he didn’t break the field, it was still up.

Potential bugs like this, where many different variables could cause this behavior, a clip of some kind is required to verify the bug(or if it’s not a bug, to get an explanation for the behavior).

LoS, timing, or latency could’ve all been easy causes for this behavior, but without evidence it’s hard to do anything with this post.

It was not LOS, I was literally standing under it.
And if it was Latency I would have died before it went off, So it would not exist after I died if so.
Unless it has a blindspot directly underneath it.

It sounds like you were the baptist, the field isn’t instant, it has a “warm up” time before it is active. If you had it clipped you could slow mo it and see if you ever started to glow gold or your health bar got the protected 40hp. I am guessing neither of these things happened and the genji was just faster.