Didn't receive Contenders skins

Didn’t receive Contenders skins. I watched last month (November), this month (December). All I got is a Genji skin.
See how many hours are left to watch?

There is plenty of time to earn the December skins, please check out my troubleshooting guide here for assistance:

Hello, could you please clarify, I haven’t looked enough for November and therefore I didn’t receive anything for November?

One skin came in for December (Junkrat). But you write that hours are enough. Does this mean that both November and December are enough to get all 6 skins? Or maybe you only mean to get the 1st skin?

You can only get 4 skins in November, Junkrat, Zenyatta, Symmetra (if you missed it in October), and Mercy (if you missed it in October). It is too late to earn Torbjorn and Lucio which were November’s skins.

Could you clarify.

  1. How many hours did I watch in November?
  2. Is this not enough for November skins?
  3. How many hours did I watch in December?
  4. Is this just enough for the Junkrat skin?
    Thanks in advance.

It is up to you to track your own hours (Blizzard Customer Service nor forum MVPs like myself cannot look this up for you). For each month so far it takes 7 hours to get the first skin (this month is Junkrat), 15 for the second (Zenyatta). For this month, the second chance offer for the Symmetra is at 18 hours and Mercy is at 20 hours. Please note, I do not anticipate to be a second chance offer for November’s Torbjorn and Lucio skins, but if there is, it will be announced on the @OWPathToPro Twitter Feed. If you say you already have Junkrat, then there is still enough time to get at least another 13 hours to get Zenyatta, Symmetra, and Mercy by the end of the gauntlet tournament, but I recommend that you are watching every day now starting today.

Could you clarify, i.e. none of the support departments answer my question?

You provided exactly the information that was already familiar to me. I wanted to be specific. Those. specific numbers and unequivocal yes or no answers.

If, nevertheless, there is at least some opportunity to find out the information I am interested in?

Thanks in advance.