Did they revert numbani?

that does look a bit different, the posters, while with the same text from before, seem to have different art and maybe a changed location.

When the exhibit was about Doomfist those posters were about three different Doomfists but it’s been changed for awhile.

Then idk. nothing has changed

I think it was literally an accident that it wasn’t in rotation and their little post about it was just a clever story about how it’s now back in rotation.


those posters are definetely new

They ain’t, you can google “the new Numbani” by YourOverwatch and visit the exact same spawn rooms from 1 year ago or so.

I think the “restore” part is referring to the fact it was literally missing from the ranked map pool.

It means they have added it back to the rotation.

I imagine it’s the Devs trying to get cute and humorous with their updates.

Problem is that they don’t typically engage their players like that, so it leaves everyone confused when Blizzard tries to crack jokes.

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Yeah, I think it just sounds like spin on a bug tbh.

Especially with this line:
We appreciate the keen eyes in the community who reported this and apologize that it’s taken a couple days to address.

Most vague explanation ever. The map went missing for like 2 weeks, because reasons.

Players: YES! the airport is getting cleaned

Blizzard: nah, we just made numbani available again in competitive.