DId hiding Career profiles reduce toxicity?

In most toxic videos, the toxic players always fed from seeing the other player’s profiles. Do you think putting in the option to hide career profiles make toxicity drop in the game?

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nope, just like the Chinese social rating system didn’t do anything either


To OP:




I’ve got about 95% less complaints about my hero picks since this change happened. And it’s mainly because no one can see anymore that i used to play Mercy back in medieval times.


I didn’t think it’s intention was toxicity but to allow players to play which hero they chose despite how many hours they had on specific heroes.


I think it did. Djdjjdk

It’s certainly done more good than bad.


Ehh, I haven’t noticed any differences. If people are toxic, they’re going to find something to be toxic about.



I played a ton of soldier when I first played this game

havent played him at all (except Mystery Heroes and such) in over a year

Player seeing my profile might insist I play soldier

NOT a good idea, if we want to win

Trust me

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I wouldn’t know, mine is public. It is actually more irritating to see someone with a private profile. The LFG needs the option to filter private vs public when looking for a group.

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To the support/tank “mains” who play support/tank most of the time because the DPS slots are insta-locked, and they care a lot about team comp.

Then there comes a point when they clock more time on their flex than their DPS main, so when the chance arrives for them to play DPS they get blamed for any mistake simply because they are support/tank “mains” trying to play DPS.

In those cases, you would have been sometimes bullied into filling Mercy for the millionth time when you don’t want to.


Then don’t fill as mercy?

Yes, it stops people from harassing people or calling others braindead or no aim.

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That’s the simple solution. But you would have to endure constant toxicity from your teammates throughoutt the game as long as you are on DPS.

More than likely, it’s because the bullies themselves also want to play DPS.

This also helps the people who have negative winrates on their favorite hero (or any stat that they don’t feel particularily proud of).

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I have been turning off coma all together lately and it’s actually really nice. If you don’t want to play mercy. Ana is really strong/ Lucios rework is really good and he feels viable. Brig is quite good right now and zen is more than viable. Don’t let them bully you and chances are most teams I am on the team sides with the victim.

Hope this helps man

I was giving Mercy as an example. It could very well be any hero in the game.

In some games I don’t feel like playing ANY support. I just want to shoot stuff with McCree.


we know that toxicity went down 17-25% depending on region, but we don’t know whether it was endorsements, lfg, PP, or a combination of the three that caused it.

Nope. It is a known logical theory of social psychology - people fill in the gaps of things they do not know.

Neither did LFG or Endorsements do anything about it either. People actually found new and fun ways to be pretty terrible with those as well. For example:

  • TopTierSoldier joined Group.
  • GroupLeaderSuperPlus: I need healing!
  • TopTierSoldier left.
  • GroupLeaderSuperPlus: lotta good he did! wow…
  • OrigConsolewatcher12140189: why you talking crap man?
  • OrigConsolewatcher12140189 left.
  • GroupLeaderWhiteKnight: wow… what a ____
  • RandoJeffLover2.0 joined.
  • RandoJeffLover2.0 left.
  • BestHealerEver joined.
  • GroupLeaderSuperPlus: thank god! we need a healer
  • BestHealerEver switched to Genji
  • BestHealerEver: We need a healer!
  • LastOneToAct left.
  • BestHealerEver left.
  • RandoJac joined.
  • RandoMac joined.

And that’s about how much good LFG did. Best part is, if the Randos joined with just enough time, they can endorse whoever they want without really seeing how they played or behaved.

It moved the self-righteous bullying from ingame to impotent whinging on the forums. Same people, different arena.

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Made it worse because a Tank/Support main with 50-60% win rate can pick Mcree with 12% win rate and sabotage the entire match and nobody can say anything about it.

With public private profiles, derankers/griefers/throwers could be detected instantly, why you want a Zen main playing Hanzo with 5% win rate? that guy is obviously throwing, refusing to play his best character.