Did anyone get any OWL rewards?

Billion dollar company getting bought by another Billion dollar company can’t do a simple rewards :rofl:

I looked at my career profile, I have the Pulse Pistols name card, but I should have the Sojourn grey skin too, but nothing.

Same here, watched tens of hours, got only a few league skins and thats it. Very disappointed

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Same here. I only got half of the OW League Skins despite watching all Days and Encores. Also got Kiriko and Junker Queen but not Sojourn.

youre lucky you even got skins. I got 5 tokens.

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which was during the overwatch league playoffs.

I watched close to the entirety of OWL from October 31 to November 4 and still haven’t received anything.

Ok i watched ALL streams - Live and Enocre… So i check my account again… I got :

One spray [play-off], banner [name card], and 5 player icon [avatars] [Genji, Sombra, Mercy, Zen, Reaper]

Missing: lot of tokens, Sojourn, Kiriko, Queen OWL skins, Finals spray, and ,OWL Turns 5" player icon…

So… how is impossible i got this ,name card" but no second spray? Or skins… huh blizzard… ANSWER!!

I might’ve got 5 or 10 tokens, not really sure but nowhere near the amount I should have, no OWL grey skins, no OWL sprays, etc.

you got all the other skins? I watched ALL streams too. live and encore. I got the same stuff you got but only skins from tracer to sigma plus kiriko and junkerqueen.

I really hope they can fix this

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i did not get all of the skins as well, and i’m also missing tokens from watching :frowning:

I got nothing new after the patch today. I really hope they fix it- my stuff was all working the week before finals week and stopped working part way through. I watched every single match and encore and only got skins up to the Ashe skin one and didn’t get nearly as many tokens as I should have. I really hope they fix this, I made sure to keep up with when everything was starting just so I could make sure I got everything :neutral_face:

I watched the majority of the finale and I received nothing, literally nothing. No Kiriko or Junker queen skin which is what i viewed in for. I didn’t even get any +credits.

I got all the grey OWL skins for the playoffs but not the Lucio emote or the 100 extra tokens.

I got none of the grey OWL skins for the grand finals.

I got all the profile icons, except the birthday cake one.

I got the Tracer pulse pistol name card.

I got neither of the 2 grand finals sprays.

So, pretty mixed bag. I’m disappointed though because above all, I wanted the Kiko grey OWL skin. Everything else was just bonus.

Note: I did watch more than enough to earn all the items, live streams and encores included.

I’m starting to think that Blizzard can no longer understand who watched for how long :rage: then they should unlock the skins for everyone and not scam us


I watched all maybe 5min missed but only got 180 token and all rewards till the 18 hours mark but nothing from the 21 - 30 Hours and from the Finals i only got the 1 Hour name card but nothing else. The name card and all Icons i just received after todays patch.

I wanted the skin too and the JQ one. That’s why I tuned in for it.

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Nope! I did get the 5 tokens by the hours watched so I certainly know I should of gotten them. This seems to happen almost every single time they host one of these events. The rewards for this one were really nice though and I’d hate to miss out because of a bug. I already lost pink mercy, lego bastion and echo’s stream event rewards.

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It’s busted.

On Twitch when they use it … you get your rewards NP and you get to see how much time exactly you’ve contributed to earning it.

On YouTube all I could do was keep watching, hoping and once an hour hitting page reload to show I was still actively viewing. But no rewards at all from the YouTube side.

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