DF Dying? Countered Too Hard? Zero Surivivablity?

Sym a Non Healing Support who changed to Dps
DF a DPS who used to be a Tank in Development.

I think it depends on the player. In most games I see a DF, if the player is good he’s very hard to counter (in solo Q) unless people focus him, or someone switches to a character to negate him, like Sombra or Hog.

Yeah but I heard the same about Sym last year.

I just had a 3k Doomfist hard carrying the game along with his premade Zarya.

What does that mean exactly ?

Did he play mainly Zarya or DF?

I just started playing doomi one or two days before the patch. I found it quiet ok to get kills in FFA DM (mixed SR from 2k to 4.5K). When i played him today, i got used as practice target by hanzos. They can spam you to death before you can even reach them with your abilitys and even if you run away, storm arrow thing gets you or the just dash around a corner and spam you death.

He was the DF. He even got a triple kill without the ultimate, we just had a good cooperation as he was getting bubbled while going in and I had extra attention on him as Moira since well, he was pretty much the carry.

I can only imagine that this match was hell to the enemy which surprisingly, it was 4 stacks and my team was consisted by me, another solo lucio and two two-stacks which one of them had Brigitte.

Basically 3 supports, one DF, Zarya and D.Va. We won it singlehandendly.

Honestly ? It is about skill and cooperation.

Look at Overbuff this month: ^https://www.overbuff.com/heroes

DF has the same amout elimations as the Support Heroes… That pretty bad.

I still look at his animated short how he could handle winston/tracer and genji at his own. i still think this is fan made if i look his situation ingame tbh

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Doomfist needs some buffs on his passive and some bug fixes in my opinion.

Doomfist shouldn’t be too common since he has a 1 shot combo kill ability. right now he is really hard to play but it pays off. for example check chipsa and brandito.

You shouldn’t one trick doomfist btw. no one does that. he is niche.


I think his biggest issues are his survivability and his lack luster ult keeping him from being a better dps and pick. Doom fist in his current state is too much of a boom or extreme bust due to his large hit box. I think they could solve both with a big change to his ult where it is a repositioning ult. They would remove all damage from the ult but also lower the charge on it considerably to where he can get it almost every fight with maybe 400 to 800 damage. His ult is currently used more defense and for him self so why not remove the terrible damage that never applies into a real get away ult. The ult would also reset all his cool downs and give him 100 shields. This would allow him to be riskier in his assault with the best escape method. With the 100 shield it gives it could be use as a flanking effective ult where you ult behind them and pounce on them below. It also would need to remove the giant red circle or spot light to be effective.


Want him to be just a Tank like Old Roadhog used to be. (Flanker Tank)

I think that naking him stronger the less HP he has would be a good passive.

I’m still playing him, but he is still annoyingly riddled with bugs.

Ex 1: non registering slams. Really annoying, relatively frequent.

Ex 2: enemies using abilities while stunned to avoid wall damage (tracer, Moira, reaper, mei,etc). This one is also pretty frequent.

Ex 3: wall slides (no i don’t mean “bad angle” slides, I mean perfectly straight slides). They happen a lot less now, but they still occasionally happen.

Also, sometimes when they “fix” something, it feels worse than before. Now that they “fixed” his ult, I’m getting caught and stuck in places I never did before.

Honestly his passive doesn’t really help him much,

Doomfist is actually doing a bit better, hes good against some of the brigette comps popping up

But then you would have DF that go for broke and get killed in the middle of a punch or dive.

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DF is fine. He just requires game-sense, strategy and teamwork. You should know when and how to engage, find key target and beat the crap out of it.
He have potential of insta-killing 200-250 hp heroes, great mobility and severe CC. He is just REALLY hard to play and situational.

The Doomfist Community Patch thread has some good ideas that can help Doomfist

That doesn’t sound fine.