Devs: "We're making Brig an actual support"; People who love abusing OP characters: *riot*

Not necessarily true. Not all streamers are GM, nor do they all live from it. It’s true for pros though. Even them can make mistakes however.
So do I, I misspoke my arguments about SB, it wasn’t quite as clear written as it was in my head.

It’s primarily a charge, and should be balanced as such.
Rein’s Charge also stuns. Yet you can’t call it a CC ability.
This is why it makes no sense for SB to not go through shields.

Reinhardt’s charge IS a form of CC, though? So is Mei’s ultimate? So is Earth Shatter?

It’s primarily a CC ability and should be balanced as such.

Rein charge pins, a completely different mechanic from stun.

It makes no sense to go through a shield because it’s a CC ability.

The problems with the ptr changes are these:

  1. brig cant stun rein through his barrier.
    This means he’s stronger. A stronger rein is a stronger goats comp.

  2. Brig’s stun isnt what she contributed to goats. Brig’s contribution to goats was her passive healing, armor and her sustain. Those have all been buffed. Her stun was more of a deterrent. Now she can contribute more to her team’s goats comp, and take away less from the Enemy’s goats comp.

  3. Brig can’t fulfill her role.
    She cant punish tracer. Her combo cant kill a Tracer anymore. She can’t do what she’s supposed to do.

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She can. Like I’ve said previously. Good Tracers already know and do stay away from Brigittes. Her combo is a deterrent so Tracer can’t do whatever the hell she wants. Not to mention the amount of armour Brigitte provides for her teammates, making Tracer ineffective.

Mei’s ultimate and Earthshatter are CC abilities. Abilities that debuffs the enemy by freezing/stunning and nothing else (out of damage, but pretty much every ability does that)

No, it’s an ability that displaces Brig herself, it can be used as an initiation move, without the stun, or as a way to come back faster from spawn.
It’s a charge. A charge that can CC, but primarily a charge.

And if the target doesn’t die, it gets stunned for 1 second.

Shields prevent bullets, lasers, rockets, explosions from going through, not people.
Brig’s SB moves her, hence it must go through a shield.

Because Moira has pitiful damage (lowest dps out of all supports including mercy) compared to brig which can easily be healed through. She is only complained about at lower ranks where they cant aim at her tiny head.

they could give her a lucio heal and then it gets amped up when she hits something

A tracer that is alive, is a tracer that can do what she wants.

It amounts to .667 hp/s. It is meaningless during a fight and thendiration only really helps after a fight for who ever has it. Even then, it doesn’t amount to anything worth while.

Silver doesn’t count buddy :slight_smile:

All the youtubers are making a big deal of an extra second out of battle heal, I don’t get how it’s all that great.

But she’s an off support, a hybrid, she isn’t a main support

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DF can do 250 dmg with Rocket Punch just fyi.

I think what he means is a support shouldn’t be a reliable duelist, because that is what brig is right now.

If they put on delay on it like with Rein charge I wouldn’t mind a bit more damage, maybe half way to what it was before.

I just played 6 games of Brigitte in quick play without using Shield bash through shields and I actually liked it more. It made me think about how to make the most of shield bash and that it isn’t always needed.

oh look a smart boy, good for you, now you have to adapt once again i guess :wink: , i dont need something more solid than this, when one hero determinete a meta and make the game pretty much unfun, thats all the evidence needed , but you are either to smart that goes beyond this problem or to blind to see the big picture about this.
Now more heros like Reaper will come out and maybe more, Sym could actually also being playerble, the more are being play the better so everyone can enjoy the game and not be frustrated about one hero that doesn’t have a window for counter play, DF and Brig need these nerf maybe Brig could use more buff in the support aspect but that its another thing.

The nerf is great because we frankly need less reason to dps in this game, and more reason for tanking or healing. Brig as she was, turned out to just be another option for dps players who have no interest in using her to heal. Moira is the same problem. Take the dps out of ALL healers, and boost their healing output. A healer should be more like Mercy, and not leading the team in elims or damage.

As a Brig main, I love the fact that they are making Brig a better healer because that is what I focus on when playing her. All TRUE Brig mains should be on board with these nerfs if they are playing her as a support character for their team.


Oh I’m fine with her being more of a support, tank as a secondary focus, and damage negligable. It’s what I’ve wanted for a long time. I have fun healing people.

As long as Brigitte becomes less annoying to others so people who like her aren’t put at the end of a spear, I’m all for it.