Devs: "We're making Brig an actual support"; People who love abusing OP characters: *riot*

Finally another believer

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Always here to share my knowledge. :slight_smile:

Well I mainly play Hammond and a bit of Hog now since I’m bored of the Damage category myself.

I love Junkrat but he’s only great on certain maps so it’s mainly me playing these two heroes.

They didn’t really make her a support. They just hurt everything else about her. The inspire buff is laughably negligible. She’s not going to heal any better, and now she’s going to be less useful against flankers and dive, and far less useful in the front line against enemy shields.


They will probably buff her rejuvenating anon.
or Something, but abstraction of her dps from the shield bash was good and needed. She already does a good job with sustaining her and her team simply by hitting enemies, or an e click every once in a while.


Well… maybe buff Whip Shot? Since she actually has to aim it. (And probably raise the cooldown or lower the knock-back effect if they were to do so)


Maybe, but I also thought the same about Mercy. Their strategy of crushing heroes and sweeping them under the rug to come back later doesn’t have much merit as they continue to make the healer meta more and more uninteresting and less varied with no prospective changes in the future.


You seem to be implying that people who played Brigitte… Actually healed. As opposed to doing stupid flanks on the Ana, picking off the main healer with a BS combo, and getting away with Rally.


Zen says hello as he decapitates you with orbs, but wait, 1v1? Why shouldn’t a support be able to at least survive the average 1v1 in a team game when both players are the same skill level, or maybe even if the support outplays the person they’re fighting against? I think you’re too used to having everything served to you on a silver platter.


Honestly, that’s how I played her. I know there are others that play her more aggressively.

if i recollect correctly, Zen was made to do damage.
he is an off rejuvenator, his other half is damage.
Hence his faculty to melt people.


He’s the true definition of a DPS/Heal hybrid. And my favorite character (just got his golden orbs!!!)


Good job! i play him every now and again and he’s super fun.

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wth lol, this isn’t support hate


-Sleep dart is a potentially very long mesmerize
-Flashbang can be followed up by FTH or headshots
-Roadhog is an offensive tank meant to be picking people off. Really just in line with how he always was meant to be
-You already said it, it’s an ultimate with teamwipe potential (still needing fixes though)
-Potential high damage move with a minor stun on a hero with higher mobility

Mhm… yeah uh, none of these compare well. Apples and oranges for Ana and Rein compared to Brig. And compared to other heroes…well like you said, DPS (and offensive tank) compared to support. Pretty fair to say it should be more expected they have higher kill confirm potential on their cc.

But Brig is supposed to be a jack of all trades. The issue was her being a master at all. Completely destroying a part of her with no compensation… noooot really ok.


Mercy’s pistol also does good damage and the projectiles have a large hitbox so landing headshots is not that hard. What makes a support a support is the ability to heal but they can all do some damage and at least survive some 1v1 encounters if not come out on top in some match ups and have little chance in other match ups. To just say a support shouldn’t be allowed to survive a 1v1 encounter is pretty ridiculous is all.

  1. Zen has no mobility, no shield and no stun AND he already has the lowest healing output.
  2. This is a team-based videogame, nobody should really be able to 1v1 (and have a massive advantage over) anyone.
  3. That last sentence was completely unrelated to the topic and unnecessary given the fact that you don’t even know me so don’t take this to a personal level.

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The problem is that brigitte needed this damage specifically to keep tracer from solo carrying every single game she’s in by being able to outplay all of her counters at once. It was bad enough that we absolutely needed a character that even pro tracers would have difficulty outplaying, and taking brigitte’s ability to threaten tracer away means that now tracer can go back to deleting any concept of a backline by constantly deleting supports and DPS.


It is always good seeing more tank players.

The game does suffer from lack of them as the role right now is frustrating.

People who like supporting will continue to play healers regardless. Anyone who picked Brigitte for other reasons except for the sake of the role are free to pick even the 4th dps in the team. Their loss. Anyone who continues to play seriously will climb eventually.


Now I just hope they don’t touch Ana because we now how the community is toward support heroes overall.

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