They’re obviously making theme songs for all of the heroes.

I’m really frustrated over how they do communicate, when they actually do it. The comment Jeff made about the streams hit me especially hard. It’s difficult as is finding official informartion when it’s spread all over the place without anything pointing us in the right direction to find it. I’m okay with them communicating through streams, but the least the could do is compile a forum post about what they have said and where to find it. I think many people would appreciate it and it wouldn’t feel as if we were left in the dark.

Oh and the whole “what’s next” panel at Blizzcon was pointless. They literally only talked about Ashe, the new hero, even though they had another panel dedicated to showing her off. They really need to make a “what’s next” dev update to make up for it, in my opinion.

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They would talk to us more if they weren’t met with hostility every single second they AREN’T talking to us, hunTy.


If you want to know whats up with Blizzard or all the Devs, read the financel report from Blizzard. Because this is the only thing where they can’t lie or don’t say the truth.

Well on the otherhand, we had hollydays and they are still humans that don’t work 24/7. And with all the bad news that Blizzard had in the last time, Jeff have other things to do than to watch over Overwatch. (There was a news that the CFO from Blizzard was fired and a lot of there community/IT staff. All this is probally a lot of paperwork for the vice. At least I would expect that)


Chill dude. They’re probably just getting back from christmas/newyears holidays and visiting family.

They probably aren’t talking about anything because they haven’t been at work for half a month.


Honestly “killing” Doomfist is always a good thing. It’s not that he deserves to be F-tier, it’s more that his basic design isn’t healthy (and surprisingly shows that Brigitte just needed rebalancing), and he should be scrapped and the model recycled for a different hero.

just to let people know some of the content they are working on. They are doing exactly what we wanted them to do update us. Its funny how people want to hear more from the devs but then if its not favorable news or if its gonna take more of a while then they say “dont bother mentioning”. would you rather them say nothing?

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The holidays has only JUST ended, of curse nothing new has come out yet. Give it another month.

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Customer service is a pretty unenjoyable job.

Still has to get done.

If Blizzard wants people to praise and love everything they do again they need to work for it and earn it back.


This was the biggest most passive aggressive; “we are no longer allowed to respond about any progress” and I get it the higher ups at blizzard think that muting everything well improve sales but Oh they shot themselves in the foot, repeatedly, and don’t seem to understand that they should really get some medical attention.

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fixed it, they have almost never been exact and for the most part can’t due to the multiple ideas, it’s pretty easy to tell what’s needed, what’s not, and whats kind dumb to do but they did anyway, Im fine with all but one of dooms changes and that’s his ult, ooh wow literally one hero can’t get out of it, I guess that means graviton surge should be nerfed then because everyone but three people can’t escape it. It wasn’t needed it made his ult even more useless against everyone just to give ONE HERO a chance to escape, that’s idiotic thinking.

Agreed and bumped! The silence is driving me insane, especially since this PTR has no balance changes or anything interesting!

Overwatch is surely getting something like that. I wanna die.

They have so many routes they could take.
-6v6 comp queue
-weekend/monnthly tournaments
-ACTUAL PTR testing.
-Replay System
-Map editor

getting tired of this silence

I still dont see point in those, you can group up with people in other ways than in game too.

Im usualy solo player, so that dont look like good idea to me

Why… why people look for more toxic enviroments to play, you can scream at each other in ranked alredy

Soo looking for bugs? yea sure, if we wona take job of all testers they propably have.

I like this idea

I dont care about those two.

Don’t you even have a cellphone? … Sorry, I’ll show myself out

as in you won’t fight stacks if your solo

would require a group so it would probably be less toxic since most of it comes from trolls and randos not communicating with one another and then proceed to blame each other.

At release (for ptr) they outright stated ptr would be added for player feedback on balancing, they then proceeded to immediately lie about that as they ignored everyone giving them crap for buffing FtH (the first time) when it was already a tank buster now with a smaller opening to fight back, guess what? It was broken and the only time they did an actual revert on top of some nerfs barley two weeks later.

good for you but others might and hey you might enjoy the maps they make.

Game will be f2p soon and expect to see more aggressive micros.

Game is on life support thanks to piss poor development.

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Jeff K just posted something in this regard

rumor has it OW will be free to played. that is a bad sign since most people are leaving blizzard. Company is sinking ship. I am too depress as it is.