Devs opinion on Reaper? (Reaper's state in Masters+/pro play)

Brigittes kit is just a big counter to Reaper, knockback, armor, even more armor, a stun. Knockback means Reaper has to close a gap, armor means I have to shoot more with my RNG shotguns, stun means I have to worry about getting hit in the frontline or losing my ult. I can time my ult well, but this is a teamgame. If Brigitte has stun, there’s the chance of barriers, boops, sniper shots, and everything else that utterly craps on me

I still maintain an explosive shell (like in fhe cinematic) that is a single bulletper shot instead if pellets and that could be maybe a falling off mid range shot and pierces right through armor would be an amazing right click for him or even have the right click swap shell types of his primary fire. It would also resolidify his role as the go to tank buster. It’d also give him some bite to make targets who should be afraid of him at close range be afraid of him again, but would likely make him too powerful overall. Perhaps if it wrecked armor but did poor against shields? Idk.

It could be like a buckshot where it does 50 damage + 50 damage to armor (otherwise it would just be 50 normal damage)

Ok reaper can, survive with enough support maybe. But he cant damage well most of the time.
Tank heavy comps will barrier him. Mobile comps will kite him. Others will melt him.

I think he needs more range, and a secondary fire. I honestly think Shadowstep is outdated at this point in the game.

Yeah and as you mentioned these are common metas in OW, meaning that every meta thus far has been a direct counter to him. Maybe it’s not the meta, maybe it’s just an outdated kit?

Put reaper at the same range as hanzo and show us again.

I agree, Shadowstep only really serves one purpose and it’s to gap close. Other than that, I try and flank with it, but most of the times ill be spotted by those who are map aware or they can hear my footsteps

Agreed, can’t count how may time I’ve been headshotted by Hanzo who sees shadowstep a mile away.

You could go one step further and put Reaper and Hanzo 10m away. Or put them super close. The dps is the same either way, one just can do it from way farher range as well

its edited to leave out Hanzo charging the intial regular arrow, and if that is left in reaper kills him barley faster.

There was also someone idea to make shadow step like Doomfist ult. Faster + 3rd person view

I always thought having him teleport through walls was a good idea, but this is a wayyyy better idea

I still think even with that he would need something extra, something to deal with armor, because armor will be around for the long run, theres nothing like it in the game. Unless a hero comes out that like sombra when ulted removed all armor, Reaper’s value has diminished

What if he gets armor himself? Like when he ults.

Reaper needs CC immunity even if it comes at the cost some nerfs to his staying power with his passive.

He’s close range hero with a basic kit. What he does is generally get close, point and shoot and thats it.

Hybrid heroes who has CC as just 1 part of their kit just ruins the purpose of playing him even.

The issue is CC is just 1 part of most heroes kit. I wouldnt really mind him getting countered where the team has to pick a hero that is full of CC.

Mccree is long range and he has CC, Brigitte is a support who heals people has CC, Hog has the hook, Junkrat is a long range spammer who has his nades to push reaper off, Lucio a healer with his boop, Doomfist and Wreaking Ball all have CC as part of their kit.

Then you have heroes like Hanzo who are as scary as reaper in both ranges.

I just want to point out in the most recent patch notes they somehow thought NERFING SHADOWSTEP was the way to go.

I’d love for the devs to comment on their rationale here.

“We think Reaper is in a great spot with the third lowest pickrate in Grandmaster at 0.45% (only higher than Bastion and Torbjorn). However, we’ve always felt that Shadowstep was too strong, so instead of fixing fences so Reaper can actually teleport, we have decided to trigger its cooldown even if you get booped during the cast phase, which has approximately enough time to get a small laundry done before you shoot him.”


He should at least have CC immunity when he ults. It’s already small enough to land on plenty of people, but to get displaced or stunned sucks