Devs. Do something!

Animated short. Mini movie. Expansion pack. Story mode. We need more lore! Its what brought me to this game in the first place. Tell us what you’re doing!!!


I agree,

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Thanks! I didnt hear of this

I wish they’d either dump the lore entirely, or fully embrace it and give it the substance it deserves. No halfsies.

If you ask for more lore, it might force the main writer to work more than 20 hours a week. And he values his free time let me tell you! For every word he writes he misses out on valuable time to eat delicious sushi and we can’t have that!

you really have 0 idea / resources about what you’re talking.

I do have no clue whats going on at Blizzard true, but you cannot deny that lore and story have been moving at snails pace, and due to the fact I see no evidence to the contrary happening, I do think they are slacking a bit. Maybe people Blizzard could be more transparent? I would make people of us less critical if we did know what was going on or at least have a basic idea.

i do too would like them being more open about what they’re working on but that’s their decision and maybe they have good reasons. regardless you shouldn’t “come to assumptions” that the development team for overwatch doesn’t work hard, because they do.

before you can say, no im not a “bLizZaRD fAN bOY” but i don’t think it’s respectful in any way to call someone that probably works extremely hard to provide you with enjoyable content lazy, especially when they likely are not in control about the amount of lore that is being released and just creating it according to orders

This is probably too small of a topic for me to ask this here, but I’ve always wondered this: Why does lore outside of the game motivate you to play the game more? I’ve always cared about the gameplay a lot more to motivate me to play a game I like.

That being said, I don’t disagree should work on more lore. I just think they should do it to get former and new players into the game, not current players.

Emotional attachment. The more you know about a hero, the closer you can relate to that hero on a personal level, the more emotionally attached you become. I think that’s the draw anyway. I personally don’t really care about the lore one way or another, like you I’m far more interested in Overwatch: The Game. But I think it’s pretty easy to understand the connection to lore, and I can’t say others are wrong for finding something of themselves in the heroes and becoming attached to them.