šŸŸ Devs, can please get a name for the Shadowy Omnic?

Can we just not have another ā€œMYSTERIOUS NEW CHARACTER, OOOOOOOOOOO.ā€

We got two new ones in this event alone. Weā€™ve seen Sojournā€™s face before but really sheā€™s just another distraction from a lack of lore. The new omnic? I couldnā€™t care less about who that is. Iā€™m still wondering what Echo is about. Iā€™m still wondering about literally every single story arc theyā€™ve started but instead of finishing them, they just start something new.

Itā€™s boring. Characters are meaningless. Then thereā€™s the four token gay characters. Emily and Vincent were only created to make Tracer and Morrison token gays. The way Overwatch handles ā€œdiversityā€ by only creating tokenism is quite astonishing, and even more so when you start to look at how theyā€™re praised for it.

Gameplay has been on the decline for a long time, story has never been actually toldā€¦ Iā€™m actually quite disappointed in what Overwatch became.

It had such potential.


That was in reference to Doomfist

Whoever he is, I feel that he has strong ties to Null Sector, if not directly involved

probably ANUBIS
new talon tank

I just hope we donā€™t have to wait too long to figure out who he is.
Hopefully heā€™s the next hero.
Or maybe we could get a comic when the event ends, explaining what happened after the mission

For now just assuming this: šŸŸ (spoilers) Voltikko coming to Overwatch?!?!? (Fan Hero Incoming?)

Till more evidence is given.

Iā€™m assuming its reaper because around this time he betrays overwatch and ā€œdisappears.ā€

That makes no sense at all.

Clearly not Reaper.

(You might has well said Mei.)

So we have darthbot, Soujorn, Maximillian as POSSIBLE new heroes (not saying some of them are likely but itā€™s POSSIBLE) and this makes me anxious because Iā€™m still waiting on Junkerqueen and Echo :frowning:

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Could be Hakim. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So if they arenā€™t inclusive, they are bigots, separatists, Trumps, racists, sexists, homophobic, etc. If they are inclusive, itā€™s tokenism and not implemented properly.

Damned if you do, damned if you donā€™t. Right?


In the stream Jeff said hes definitely an omnic

Maximillien, no. He doesnā€™t get his hands dirty, and fighting doesnā€™t really fit his persona.

Unless they can make a hero that lets them control multiple bots from a birdā€™s eye view ala Starcraft.

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There are other ones tooā€¦ butā€¦ I mean come on.

Iā€™ll accept it, book it.

What if I told youā€¦that those ā€˜distractionsā€™ are what Blizz calls Lore?

I mean Sojourn? Thats your ā€˜where is my Black Femaleā€™ that people cried about 6+ months ago, no wait, it was when Ashe was released! So there you go. Now we have one.

Echo? Sure, cool, new hero eventually. Fine. Darth Omnic? Love it. I want more heros, if thats as deep as the lore is going to be? Fine. Its a PvP Shooter, what the hell do I care if Tracer sleeps with chicks? Completely irrelevant to me. You want to call Soldier Gay? lol I dont care. Nothing in game says ā€˜look at me Iā€™m gayā€™ it says ā€˜look at me, Iā€™m a patriotic lifetime soldier trope!ā€™.

Just fix the ACTUAL GAME. Stop ruining heroā€™s, and give me new ones and new maps.

Thats it.




Iā€™m sorry, where in my post did I say any of that?

We need something before this discussion turns out of hand.

You do know thereā€™s an entire lore writing TEAM for Overwatch right? And you do know that they have literally nothing to with how the game plays. Right? Like if the writing team developed the worlds lore, it would have no effect on how much the actual gameplay gets updated and balanced. Right?

The idea that just because you have no interest in the lore should mean that no one else should care about it is stupid. You donā€™t care. Cool. Other people wanting more lore has no impact on you, and it has no impact ā€œfixingā€ the game.

So please, stop conflating two very separate and unrelated issues.

As for

ā€¦there was once a time where Blizzard was known for their lore. Itā€™s a complete 180 from who they used to be. Donā€™t assume to think itā€™s always been in the terrible state it is now.

Hell, they even cancelled the Overwatch graphic novel that by all accounts was a finished product ready to go to print.

His name is ā€œnew anchor tankā€.

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