Detailed SR Algorithm?

Would really like to know what it is so that it can be criticized. Has blizzard released this information?
Doesn’t make sense to me why one person would be evaluated based on team performance. If a player throws the match or leaves, why do we still get penalized?
I’m surprised this issue hasn’t been addressed yet.
I’ve also read that SR is dependent on individual performance, but I’m very skeptical of any algorithm’s ability to accuratly measure a players contribution to the win. The gameplay dynamic seems much too complex to just chalk it up to kills over deaths.

Frankly, I’m of the belief there shouldn’t be individual SR unless it’s for a 1v1 or smaller group. Team SR’s would make more sense, though I’m not sure how that would be implemented.

Trying to climb up the ranks has been an incredibly frustrating experience. I mostly play by myself, end up seemingly doing well in the game (with all gold medals, etc) but struggle to consistently pair up with a winning team. It’s about a 50/50 win to loss ratio for me, which keeps me stuck in the rank that I’m in. I’ve placed Platinum in 6v6 elimination, Gold in open queue, yet I’m still stuck in bronze for role selection. I’m guessing this has been grandfathered in from when I first attempted competitive when I first started playing the game.

At least allow us to reset our MMR without having to create a new account!

Anyway, I’m more curious if Blizzard has mentioned anything about improving the SR/MMR formula or anything of the like for Overwatch 2. I love the game, but really don’t agree with the current state of ranking.


They keep it secret, so you can’t abuse it.

While it’s getting heavily abused by more or less everyone.

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How do people abuse it?

lol, if it can be abused then it’s not a good algorithm.

no. no the algorithm is not really good.

people smurf, derank, throw, boost friends etc. which makes everything SR or even MMR related unreliable. people have countless alt accounts to mess around in competitive. in gold and plat it‘s really chaotic and basically just a roll of dice.

only few people are skilled and motivated enough to break that barrier. some even play fair and stay in their true rank.

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Damn, that’s a shame… I honestly think they could develop a system that could work. Does Blizzard show any sign of awareness that the community is not very happy with the current state of SR ranking?

The system works.

The players don’t.


Blizzard never admits to a mistake and don’t believe in transparency or listening to players, so they will keep it secret.

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Well the most information we have is this: How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 27)

Though there haven’t been any official words by Blizzard regarding this.

You’re mostly dependent on your team, this pretty much win/loss based.
Though there are some small calculations that could boost individual performance under Diamond.

If a player were to “throw” then we’d need an automatic system to distinguish this, though people can have a bad day so we can’t have any false positives.

Then next to that you can abuse leaving with friends or so, meaning you won’t be tanked of your SR.
Again, it’s mostly team calculated… so if your team has a leaver then that affects you too. But there most likely is something with the MMR system that makes you easily gain your SR back after a leaver.

And well you could just group up beforehand to lower your chances of getting a leaver.

The SR/MMR gained from individual performance is barely noticeable though this makes it easier for lower ranks to climb.
There is a barrier where teamplay becomes required, it seems like Blizzard has decided that Diamond is this so-called barrier.
Even if it barely affects the ranking of most players, it can still have people climb a bit easier in ranks where teamplay almost doesn’t exist.

The matchmaker tries to have somewhat the same average SR on both teams.

Team 1 has 2503 and Team 2 has 2507
Those few numbers don’t mean anything at all, but team SR technically already exists.

I think the current system cannot be improved much further, though then again it’s not like it’s my job to see how this could be improved.

This would mean that the “team-based calculations for MMR/SR” you’ve just been suggesting would most likely make this game worse for you.

The game doesn’t like solo-queuing as much since it does not take groups into account whilst matching players, it just blindly looks at the numbers and other calculations.

Your individual performance might be good, but are you actually playing the correct role within your team? And that’s the thing you should be improving on, since a team needs to make up for each others mistakes.

Right this proves even further the individual performance part.

Competitive 6v6 elimination doesn’t focus on map knowledge nor working with your team a lot.
It’s pretty much only a simplistic fight, which mostly focuses on individual performance. Most likely why you ranked in Platinum for this game mode.

Open Queue isn’t as reliant on specific roles, meaning anyone could take up a role to compensate for another player if they aren’t doing so well. Though in Role Queue everyone is stuck on a certain role, so if one role isn’t doing well then another role can’t compensate for that.
So that means this mode is more team reliant than the 6v6 elimination.
Might even be proving that you could be the issue, though since i don’t have any information i’m not going to point anyone though it’s not something to disregard certainly.

Right, this would also require revamping the entire system as is.
It’s designed around thinking a new account has a new player, becoming more precise with the more statistics (aka time) on the account.

So i don’t see why you would want to reset your MMR/SR if you’d get placed in pretty much the same place after you hit the same playtime.
Which of course won’t be the case with this system since you’re probably improving over time, and well that would just mean you could’ve gotten there in the same amount of time on your account pre-reset.

TL;DR: Group up beforehand, try to friend some people and find a good team synergy. Seems like you have an issue in team situations whilst your individual performance is just fine.

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Let’s put it this way, these forums and reddit forums have been filled with unprecedented complaints about the matchmaker for years, no significant changes have been made.

Solo-queue for the rescue!

No, the exactly process of an SR adjustment is not publicly known. In general the following influences your skill rating adjustment:

  • Result of the match (Strongest) - Simply put when you win you gain SR/MMR, when you lose you lose SR/MMR. Given the volatile and random nature of the other influences, this is the only visible metric you can truly depend on.
  • Strength of schedule - This compares the two team average MMRs and determines who was the stronger team statistically. If a weaker team beats a stronger team, they gain slightly more SR on average. If a weaker team loses to a stronger team, they lose slightly less SR on average. If a stronger team beats a weaker team, they gain slightly less SR on average. If a stronger team loses to a weaker team, they lose slightly more SR on average. This factor would really be only noticeable when the average chance of winning is near the limit of 40%/60%.
  • Frequency of play - If a player takes an extended break and returns, their MMR is considered unstable and may see dramatic gains and losses for a few matches until the game is confident of their current skill. Note this is only really noticeable if you miss at least a few months of active gameplay.
  • New Player Calibration - Just like with frequency of play, a new account will see dramatic gains and losses of SR even after placement matches are completed. It takes about 50 to 60 games in total for a player to establish their stable MMR.
  • Ladder position - The closer you are to the top of the ladder the more difficult it becomes to gain skill rating, however, this is really only noticeable in the highest levels of grand master play. The same also applies for reaching the bottom of the ladder (you lose less when you lose), but this is often untrackable as skill ratings below 500 are not shown to the player (a.k.a. “Wood tier”)
  • Performance-based hero metrics (Weakest factor, Bronze through Platinum tiers only) - For lower skill tiers, there is a small factor of performance-based hero metrics that can influence your skill rating change. Note this means your performance in a match is NOT compared to your teammates but instead compared to other players around your skill tier who have played the same hero(es) in their matches that you played.
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I won 9 out of the 10 placement matches for Open Queue and it put me in Gold. The first game that I lost, I had someone who was throwing the game (a player who was purposefully not participating). Very frustrating to have your placement SR drop for something outside your control.

But frankly, the 9-10 could have just been a lucky winning streak. I was paired with decent teammates for most matches.

So, in summary, it’s all outside your control. So what’s even the point of SR? you can be an amazing player with a high skill level, and still lose if you’re paired up with bad teammates or if you’re put up against a more solid team.

If you have a 55% win rate that means out of every 100 matches you’re losing 45 of them. That’s an excruciatingly slow way to climb, and all the more frustrating to do, when you know you could have just placed a lot higher.

I completely understand that, though Placements don’t have the most impact in deciding your rank.

It’s mostly winrate based, as far I’m aware the placements are just there so there aren’t any MMR misalignments resulting in weird SR gain/loss.

The point of SR?

Well it basically is a readable value of MMR.
A simplified version so you can split certain SR values between ranks, creating categories.

But yeah everything is outside your control, though this would apply to literally any game out there with matchmaking.
Nothing works 100% perfectly, that’s why it’s recommeded to group up beforehand.

It certainly is a slow way, though that’s how the ladder is designed in this case.
You’re not meant to jump up a few steps on the ladder, you climb it one by one.

And well, you just need to win a lot more to get higher, though depending on performance you don’t always need a super high winrate.
Again, I don’t see why you have an issue with individual SR since you’re the one actually benefiting from it.

You could’ve placed higher, though you’d probably gone down much much faster.
I think it’s much more fun losing/winning instead of placing high after an MMR reset and losing alot of matches in a row until it slowly becomes less and less.

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Good thread, good questions. Here is my thread on the topic of MMR/handicapping, and the algorithms involved in matchmaking:

The calculations for PBSR are done based on the average for the hero and map you’re playing on. Average performance results in about +21sr.

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Just lost a game where in the first minute 3 players on my team quit the game. Still lost SR. In what world is this fair?
The crazy thing is that we still managed to capture the first point. In my eyes, that deserves more SR points, not less.

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