Derank groups in LFG

Why are they always there. Same accounts doing it too…

Are Blizzard saying it is ok to do it, or ar they just too negligent to do anything about it.

Personally, I’d season ban anyone who creates one immediately. Second strike would be account close. Done. Bye bye.



Derankers should be banned and accounts closed after the second ban.

And actually, that would help with Blizzard’s sales revenue!


Because that would mean smurfing should be bannable too. Isn’t it the same thing just the other way around?

Not that I’m a fan but if you are deranking, I’d wish people would at least to it in a 6 stack


This is kinda the main point

If deranking groups are completely removed or if they just result in insta-bans, people wont stop throwing. They’ll just go back to throwing solo or in small groups with friends. And then they’re also dragging down up to 5 teammates per game.


The opposite also exists. There’s tons of "boosting accounts cheap add my discord at “i’manidiot#6969"”

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And because its a lot more time consuming, they maybe decide not to do that. So i dont understant why they are not dealing with people who create these games either.

It is, because it’s cheating as per the in game reporting system definition of same (specifically “unfair advantage”).

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Or they’re multiple accounts with the same name.

Not the opposite at all. Many of those accounts that threw down to low Bronze will be doing the boosting in a 2- or 3-stack later. The others will be in LFG asking to be reported for a bad battletag so they can get a free rename, then they’ll sell the account.

Better they do it in groups than solo.

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